Double Elim Conquest - BlizzCon EXCLUSIVE D'Va prize!!

PC, Mobile
Por - ceL
Online, Quakecon 2018
A Double Elimination tournament designed for everyone!

Conquest Format - 3 Decks with 1 Ban - Open Deck List - Best of 3

Conquest format follows these rules:
- For a best of 3 Tournament format with a ban, players must submit 3 deck lists.
- A player must win one game with each of his/her unbanned decks to win the match.
- When a player wins a game, the deck used by the winning player cannot be used for the remainder of the match.
- The losing player can keep the same deck used or switch to a different deck of their choice.
- Players will be told what classes their opponent has available. Both players should agree on BANS together at the same time.

-Deck list should only show a total of 3 DECKS and no more. We want to prevent deck swapping (same class) during in-progress matches.

AMERICA SERVERS will be used.

Ask ceL questions to make sure you're prepared for this awesome tournament!! PRIZE for first place.