Online, Online
Mercenaries: Mercenaries may only play with one team per tournament.
Combat logging: Combat logging is not allowed.

Name rule: Players cannot have racist, sexual or otherwise offensive names.

Uniform rule: Changing uniforms/taking the uniforms of players from the opposing team is not allowed.

Communication: All communication between players during the match can only be done through Task Force Radio. Steam messages, Arma 3 text messages, and third party systems bypassing Task Force Radio are not allowed.

Artists Rule: Drawing adult, racist or otherwise inappropriate imagery and messages on the map is not allowed.

Electronic Doping: Using third party software, glitches and bugs to your advantage during the match is subject to disqualification.

Accusations: Accusations of cheating have to be justified by the party that issued the complaint. If administrators deem the accusation correct and constitutes a breach of the rules, the accusing party will be awarded an automatic win, and the accused team will be disqualified from the tournament,

Game pause: A pause can be issued in the cases that players encounter an issue that makes it impossible for them to continue with the match. This is done at the discretion of the administrators. Interfering with the course of the game during a pause is subject to punishment.

Playoff format: Games are based on the best-of-three playoff system with the prize match based on the best-of-five system.

Planning phase: Each round will have a planning phase of 2 minutes, which can be omitted if everybody agrees on it. Time per round is 15 minutes.

Refunds: Refunds will normally only be issued if the unit in question cancels a week or more in advance. Viking PMC does not take any responsibility in allocating this refund to individual players, and will only refund to the account that deposited the fee.

If your unit is disqualified from the tournament as a result in breaking any of the aforementioned rules, it is not eligible for a refund.