MuslimGamers Overwatch

MuslimGamers Overwatch

من قِبل MuslimGamers
Player/Team Responsibilities
Acknowledgement of Rules and Regulations: By registering to participate, players acknowledge to comply with the rules and regulations of this League and with any decisions made by the staff of MuslimGamers.

Delay of the Game: Every participant must make sure to perform any updates or installations before the game. Any delays that impact the flow of the tournament will result in a disqualification from that tournament

Submitting Team Scores: Team captains are responsible for submitting scores at the end of each official league night. He/She must submit "screenshots" of the match points for every Official Match. So remember to hold on to "Tab" and press "PrtSc" right before play of the game! Failure to submit screenshots will result in blank scores for the match in question unless the opposing team can help confirm the scores.

Community Rules
Unsportsmanlike Behavior: Be respectful of each other. There is zero tolerance against hate speech, racist language, or disrespectful behavior. No trolling.