Oregon Top Floor 1v1s RNG

Very Fast Oregon Top Floor 1v1 Tournament

This is a basic 1v1 tournament.

Tournament Starts at desired participant capacity -> May Change

Check-in opens 30 minutes before.

Matches must be hosted on either EastUS or CentralUS

1. Match Format and Duration

Rounds: Each match consists of 15 rounds in total. In case of a tie, an additional three rounds (overtime) will be played.
Phase Timings: Each round has a Droning and Preparation Phase of 0 seconds, followed by an Action Phase of up to 1 minutes.

2. Operator Selection and Bans

Teams will have the opportunity to ban operators, with each team allowed two operator bans.

3. Gameplay Rules

Round Swap On 1
Operator HP on 25
Map Must be oregon
Gamemode Secure

5. Player Eligibility and Team Composition

Teams must consist of one player.

6. Conduct and Fair Play

All participants are expected to exhibit good sportsmanship and fair play. The use of exploits, cheats, or any unsportsmanlike behavior will result in disqualification.

7. Technical Issues and Rehosting

Matches may be paused or rehosted in the event of technical difficulties. Specific rules regarding rehosting should be outlined, such as when it's allowed and how it's initiated.

8. Cosmetic Restrictions

Certain in-game cosmetics may be restricted to ensure visibility and fairness.

9. Amendments to Rules

The organizers reserve the right to amend the rules to ensure fair play and the integrity of the tournament.