TSL American 2on2 Championship

**1. Structure of the Tournament:**
a) The tournament will consist of two brackets: Bracket A and Bracket B, each containing 5 teams.
b) Each team is required to play against every other team in their respective bracket, guaranteeing each team 4 preliminary rounds.
d) Preliminary rounds may be played in any order. Teams are responsible for scheduling matches at mutually convenient times.
d) Preliminary rounds must be completed by April 15th, with flexibility for adjustments based on the completion of rounds.
e) The top 8 teams based on preliminary round performance will advance to the single-elimination rounds, including semi-finals and finals, which will be scheduled to allow for streaming.

**2. Match Information:**
a) All matches will be played in the Drop Zone game mode.
b) The winning team will be determined by the most maps won. Scores will be based on total wins.
c) Matches will be played on the following maps in the specified order:
- Dune Sea
- Rebel Depot
- Dune Sea (if a third match is needed). A draw will result in a fourth match played on Rebel Depot.
d) Matches cannot commence until an admin has conducted Smurf checks on all players. Admins are: Pacer, Daba, Vector, Zetro.
e) Only admins and players are permitted to be in the voice chat during matches.
f) Spectators are allowed but must not communicate with or message players during the game.
i) Each player must have a working microphone to be allowed to play the match.
g) In exceptional circumstances, all players' agreement is required for one substitute player from North America only. Admins reserve the right to disapprove substitutions.
h) Screenshots of every match, including final scores and player names, must be submitted in the designated server channel. Cooperation from all participants is essential to ensure compliance with this requirement.
I) Games shall be played on NA East servers or NA West servers depening on play majority. If a match consists of 2 east and 2 west players, first match will be east and second match will be west. Final match server will be determined by admin coin toss. If another map is neccesary for draw, server shall be the server that lost coin toss.
**3. Gameplay Rules:**
a) DSE (American 2on2 Variant) Gameplay Rules:
- Limited Weapon: Only one EE-3 is allowed per player.
- Limited Cards: Each player is allowed one of each of the following cards:
- Stinger, Flash grenade

**4. Prohibitions:**
a) Installation or use of any illegal software such as Coltonon; aimbots, damage hacks, macros, wallhacks, crosshair software etc. is strictly prohibited.
b) Spectators providing information about opponents' positions, griefing, smurfing, or breaking gentlemen's agreements are prohibited.
c) Exploiting game glitches, staying in bugged spots intentionally, or ion nade glitching is forbidden.
d) Repetitive tactical disconnection and playing without a working microphone or remaining muted during matches are prohibited.
e) The use of the shore trooper skin is not allowed.
f) Impersonating other players or using identical/similar names to confuse administration is forbidden.

**5. User Mod Exceptions:**

WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapEnable 0
WorldRender.SpotLightShadowMapResolution 0
WorldRender.LightTileCsPathEnable 0

**6. Expanded Prohibited Acts:**
a) Smurfing: Playing on unauthorized accounts, playing for a team other than your own without proper approval, or facilitating smurfing in any way is strictly prohibited.
b) Griefing: Acting against one's team, leaving matches without valid justification, hindering team progress, being AFK, or displaying unsportsmanlike behavior towards opponents or teammates is prohibited.
c) Toxic Behavior: Engaging in toxic behavior, including ignoring instructions, using offensive language, engaging in discriminatory behavior, spamming, or being unsportsmanlike, is strictly prohibited.

**7. Additional Rules:**
a) Community Code Enforcement: Gross violations of the rules, such as cheating or smurfing etc., will be enforced by community authorities. This may result in permanent removal from the community.
b) The administration reserves the right to modify or add new points to the regulations. Players must be informed in advance of any changes.
c) Other things that have not been mentioned will be decided by the administration.