Paragon Amateur Gaming Series: Season One (Regular Season)

الكمبيوتر, PlayStation 4
من قِبل Smithel

Each season will be 8 weeks long

For the first season there will only be One (1) Division, but subsequent seasons may have more Divisions based on skill level and number of interested teams (Admin reserve the right to implement this in season one, if there is enough interested teams)

Teams will consist of at least five (5) players and contain no more than eight (8) players be registered in the league by a predetermined point each season (see discord for exact dates)

Each team will play two (2) matches in a given week, consisting of two (2) rounds each during regular season games

Points will be awarded for each match up as follows:
Team wins both rounds = +3 points
Teams each win a round = +1 point to each team
Team loses both rounds = 0 point

If a team fails to show up for a match they will be awarded negative two (-2) points and their opponent will be awarded three (3) points. Proof of no show is required

If teams cannot agree on a match-up time admins/mods will review on a case by case basis. If one team is clearly the one causing the problem the other team will be awarded the win and opposing team will be penalized one point. If both teams are seen to be at fault they will both be penalized one point.

If neither team reports the matchup results, or neither teams shows up to play that week each team will be awarded negative two (-2) points

The top teams point wise at the end of the season will qualify for playoffs.

Team Rosters are locked at the beginning of the season. Any roster changes need to be approved by an admin or mod.

Any non roster subs must be approved by an admin/mod and the opposing team for that week’s match.


The teams will be responsible for scheduling their own matches each week. The schedule for match ups will be known in advance and matches can be played at any point between Sunday at 12:01am (EST) through Saturday at 5:00pm (EST)

The 6 hour down period allows admins the chance to update standings, resolve issues, etc.
Exceptions to this can be requested on a case by case basis and need to be approved by an admin or moderator first for scoring purposes

Once a match up time has been agreed upon, a captain from either team must post the time via the appropriate discord channel.

Teams must have at least five (5) players on their roster to qualify for that week’s match up
Teams must report to the match up no later than 10 minutes after the agreed upon match time.

If a team fails to report in with at least five (5) roster players by ten (10) minutes after the agreed match time, they will DQ for the match and will be awarded/penalized points as mentioned above. (screenshot must be provided to prove your team was there and ready within the time window while the other team was not)

Prior to each round of a matchup, the captains of each team will meet to announce their ban picks prior to the draft. These heroes can not be selected by either team during that round only.

The team with first pick that round will receive first ban opportunity

After bans have been selected the draft may begin. For the draft once a hero has been selected by a team, that hero can no longer be selected by the opposing team for that round. Basically no hero can be on both teams in any given round.

Pick for the first round is determined by a coin toss at match start time. The coin toss can be performed by the captains of the teams, or they can request a neutral third party come in and perform the coin toss for them (although the captains must agree who gets to make the “call” for the toss of heads or tails). Winner of the coin toss determines if they want first pick/ban or not.

Pick order for the second round is determined by the losing team of round one. They choose if they want first pick/ban going into round two or not.

Pick example: Team A and B agree that Team B will call the toss of the coin toss. Team B calls heads, but the coin toss is Tails. Team A chooses first pick/ban. Team A wins round 1, so Team B then gets to determine pick order for Round 2 and determines for round 2 they would like first pick/ban. Team B then wins round 2. Since they split the series they each are awarded one point after reporting this outcome to the admin/mods of the league.
If a team has more than 5 players on their roster, they are permitted to change players between rounds if desired.

After both rounds are completed a captain from either team must report their results in the appropriate discord channel for admins to review and use to update current standings.
If a team intentionally reports false results their team will be immediately disqualified for the remainder of the season/playoffs. If a team is found to do this more than once in the league, they will be banned from the league in the future.