LS eSport League

Login Station eSport League

من قِبل Login Station
Online, Online

1. Players must have an account on the NA server to participate in the tournament. All teams accept that their games can be transmitted live by the organization of the tournament as planned or failing to be recorded.

2. Each player has to register exactly with the name they have inside the game

3. It is not allowed to use alternative accounts since the registered accounts of the championship will be used to receive the prize. Likewise, it is forbidden that people outside the account registered in the tournament enter instead of the owner of the same.

4. No more than one record per player, manipulation of game results or similar will be accepted. Any verification of this type of acts will entail the immediate disqualification of the registered team, as well as participate in futures in tournaments organized by MagisterX n Login Station.

5. The games will take place during the hours: 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. (Central Mexico time) on Fridays and Saturdays and this will be online.

6. For enrollment will be necessary (minimum) a team of four persons of which the four must play at least one round throughout the tournament.

7. Each team is entitled to a tolerance of 10 minutes to be submitted to the indicated items (without exception). In the event that a team is not present at the time indicated by the organizer, after those 10 minutes the first match will be considered lost.

8. Each registered team needs a captain who stays in touch with the organizing committee (Login Station) for any extra information that may be requested, whether it provides an email or some mode of communication that responds quickly.

9. It is not allowed to modify some information of members so that the registered players will be the ones that have to play so they are asked carefully to check the information provided in the tournament register.

10. Each player has the obligation to add all the organizers before the tournaments to avoid that the organizers are adding them in the time of the tournament and this will help us to have a better control.

11.The organizers of the tournament will be contacted via e-mail (or the means provided by the participants) with the captains of each team to specify the rules of the tournament, the day and the time that corresponds to them to participate. Therefore, the team leader has the responsibility to let these teammates know. It is important to emphasize that match schedules will also be provided in the official tournament pages on Facebook.


1. The games will be 3 vs 3.

2. It is forbidden to sell the purchased items within the game so that viewers or commentators of the live stream can analyze the builds.

1. A team shall be considered winner when:
Destroy the enemy Crystal Vain
When the opposing team surrenders
The opposing team is disqualified for failing to meet tournament rules
The opposing team does not appear completely at match
The opposing team does not choose heroes in time within the time given by the game to choose heroes, either in draft mode or blind mode.
2. In the case of non-attendance and / or disqualification, teams will be called from the following matches to continue.
A team will be disqualified from the tournament if:
Uses obscene language within matches
One or more of its members defame their opponents or any person organizing the tournament
Missing the rules specified in the Tournament Regulations

Only the top 2 places will be awarded:
1st Place (7200 of ICE)
2nd Place (2600 from ICE)

Registration dates from the th to the 13th of September.
Start: Friday, September 22.


Login Station:

All games will be announced in the Login Station Fanpage as well as emailed Discord or Facebook to the leaders of each team.

PS: MagisterX n Login Station reserves the right to modify any point.