من قِبل Geekay Esports
General Rules:

Please refer to all tournament terms and rules.

The tournament will be played entirely online.
The tournament will be Starting 19th August.
Registration fee: Free.
Your Valorant account must be atleast level 20 to be able to compete in the tournament.
Proof of identity may be required from any participant during the tournament.
Communications will be through the Discord program.
A maximum of 10 minutes waiting time is allowed for each player.
It is the responsibility of the advancing player to match all the required conditions, otherwise, they will be rejected.
All Players should follow the tournament website, Discord server, and continuous updates about the tournament.
Players are responsible for bringing their own account to participate in the tournament and playing with the same account registered in the tournament.
Match duration: Until a winner is determined.
All players must register on the Toornament website.
All players must adhere to the scheduled match times for each round.
Changes to the registered account are not allowed once the tournament starts or the registration period ends.
A rematch will be conducted if players play before the match's time without the admin's consent.
Each team must ensure the quality of their internet to avoid any problems during the match, as matches will not be postponed.
We ask the qualifying players not to play their match except with the admin's consent.
Your discord account must be at least 6 months old to be able to join the event

Game settings:

Game Mode: Death Match - 1v1
Cheats: Off
tournament Mode: On
Overtime win by two: Off
Observers: Allowed for Tournament Staff or official casters only
Party Status: Closed
Map: Ascent
Site: Mid (No Camp)
Server: Paris 1
Players need to shoot to announce their location
The player who reaches 20 Kills first wins.

Tournament stages:

The player who has the highest Seed is the player whose name is on the left side in the lobby or above in the bracket.

-Tournament start (Best of 1):

The player who has the highest Seed can choose the side he wants, and if unsure, they can ask the admin.

-Finals (Best of 3):

First match: The player who has the highest Seed can choose the side he wants.
Second match: The other player (who has the lowest Seed) can choose the side he wants.
Third match, if found: The player who lost in the second match can choose the side he wants.

How to Play the Match:

The player with the highest Seed sends a friend request to their opponent, then invites them to the match.
If the opponent doesn't show up to the match, wait for 10 minutes. If they still don't show up, take a screenshot and send it to the tournament's Discord server.
Both players must play in the designated area in the game's settings on the map, and playing in any other location is not allowed.
If the opponent cheats or doesn't show up, report them by sending proof to the admins on the tournament's Discord server.
After the match is over, take a screenshot of the result and send it to the tournament's Discord server in the appropriate channel.

Breaking Rules:

If a player is suspected of cheating, they must report it to the organizer immediately with appropriate evidence for a decision to be made.
Reporting a player without conclusive evidence will not be considered or acted upon by the admins.

Players may be investigated or punished and removed from the tournament in the following cases:
Using any form of cheats or hacks.
Disrespecting other players.
Not using the registered account for each player.
Not registering their information correctly.
Leaving the game without a valid reason.
Using settings that exceed the allowed tournament settings.
Intentionally causing the opponent to win.
Not displaying sportsmanship or showing inappropriate behavior towards other players and Geekay Esports organizers.
Using game loopholes unfairly to win.
Players may be asked to change their name by the organizers if it is deemed inappropriate.
If a player is suspected of cheating, they must report it to the organizer immediately for the appropriate decision to be made.
If a problem occurs during gameplay and the organizer requests that the game continue, the players must comply.

Changing Rules:

The tournament organizers have the right to modify the tournament's rules at any time. They may also modify the match times and dates as specified in the schedule.
Some changes may be made due to game updates or software changes.
It is the responsibility of the players to review the tournament's rules and follow any changes.


Communication between the admins and participating players in the tournament will be through Discord during the matches.
No direct messages on Discord will be answered by the admin during or before the tournament.
For information about the tournament or to report any issues with evidence, please use Discord.