GENX Meet & Beat 001

GENX Meet & Beat 001

من قِبل Lumberjack462
Online, Earth
This is gonna be pretty relaxed, but let's see.....

*You will be allowed up to one week to schedule and play each match. No way to say for sure how long the tournament will last, but, it's's really just for fun and this is a bit experimental tbh. A tentative end date has been selected based on the idea that some matches will go faster and not take up the whole week.

*Players will need to set up their play times together first and then with the host (Lumberjack462). Ideally, both players will schedule together, (since that was the main point of "Meet & Beat"), but if that's absolutely not possible (i.e. you can't access the same multiplayer mod or be available at the same time), you MAY play separately. You will have up to one week to complete each match, so hopefully that will help you guys find a good time slot.

Host's usual available times (excepting special circumstances) - matches will be scheduled first come, first serve:
4am - 6:00am CDT - Monday-Friday
6pm - midnight CDT - Monday - Thursday
7pm - whenever CDT - Friday
6am - whenever CDT Saturday
6am - midnight CDT Sunday
(please see discord announcement for times listed in YOUR time zone)

*If you have not shown up at the scheduled time after 15 min AND haven't contacted the host and/or other player to reschedule, you will forfeit the match.

*If you don't schedule or show up for your match within the time frame allowed, you will forfeit the match. If you are in the Winner Bracket, you will move to the Loser Bracket. If you are already in the Loser Bracket, you will be out of the game. If BOTH players fail to show...just....please don't do'll get too weird.

*Please be respectful to your clan-mates...we tryna have fun ;)

*More rules may be added if necessary ¯\_(ツ)_/¯