Couch Combat League

من قِبل Yellow Turbans
Tournament Rules:

- Round Robin

- Each team will play 2 matches, 1 on defence, 1 one on offence.

- Score is calculated through winning or losing matches. If you lose both of the matches against an opponent, you get 0 points. If you win both matches you get 3 points, and winning 1 match gets you one point.

- Ties at the end will be calculated by who won the match between the two tied teams.

Team Rules:

- Teams must have 8 players minimum and upwards of 10 players for subs. The extra 2 people can call the fight from a discord stream within the team channels.

- Please be in the CCL discord at 8:00 PM EST, a check-in will be done to confirm you have the required number of players available before your match begins.

Match Rules:

- All matches will be played on 8v8 siege maps.

- Each team will ban a map from the map pool. The remaining map will be what the match is played on.

- No golden units allowed, purple units and below.

- No siege can be used besides what the map spawns. The use of external siege will result in a loss of the match.

- If a player crashes on the loading screen the match will be reset, each team can only reload the match once due to crashing. If a second crash on the loading screen occurs the match will be played out. If the crash happens mid game the match will be played out