The Mitt Cup

The Mitt Cup

Xbox One
-Players only have the right of refuse on one proposed match time from opponent per week and only one proposal can be made a day.

- Must play games within given week, otherwise a penalty of (-3) points given to players that forfeit.

- Forfeit can be given to the player(s) that do not attend and play during the final grace period that will occur on every Tuesday from 5-11p.m. Meaning to avoid a forfeit you will need to be on and willing to play FIFA every Tuesday during the grace period if you haven't already played your games for the week.

- One of the two player's from each match are required to submit score into the group chat by sending a picture of the match highlight tab, so scoring players can be accounted for.

- If match is disconnected prior to the 80th minute a rematch will be granted immediately. If disconnect occurs after the 80th minute mark the win will be granted to player with the highest score of said game. If disconnect occurs durning intermission going into overtime a rematch will be granted immediately.

-Loser of league play will be required to take Espn body photo shoot and must select one of said photos to post on their Ig story. If player posts a photo on their main feed they will be grated 6 points in Knockout stage rankings.
(Photo must remain on main feed for 3 months)

Final game of knockout stage will be played at the Bailey Miller Residence in-front of live audience.

Winner of the tournament requirements

- Winner of Knockout stage final will be required to give a speech to all the men that have falling before him as a demonstration of honour

- Winner will be required to take a shot and repeat the following statement " A shot for the player that I was (Take shot) the player that I am today (Take shot) and a shot for the best damn player in the mf... Me" (insert winners name) (take shot)

- Winner will hold on to the trophy for the remainder of the night as it will be handcuffed to his wrist. He will also keep the trophy till the next mitt cup where he will do the honorary passing forward to the next winner.

-Winner for the remainder of the night will only be able to refire to himself by three names BBD (Big D*ick Donny) Mr.Mud bone or the UGOAT (Undisputed Greatest of All Time)

Loser of knockout stage (final) Requirements

-Loser will wear out Costume that will be selected be everyone but the two players in the final.

-Loser will be required to take a shot and repeat the following statement " A shot for the player that I was (Take shot) the player that I am today (Take shot) and the player that I will never be better then" (insert winners name) (take shot)