Europeans 35 Days of Runeterra

European's 35 Days of Runeterra (Rise of the Underworlds Edition)

الجوال, الكمبيوتر
Please join the discord, otherwise you can't participate! (
- You will play 7 matches (against every other team) divided on 5 weeks! (One match per week; In the first and last week 2 matches!)

- You can play your match against the other team whenever you want during the week (contact your opponents to communicate via discord), but you have to play the matches simultaneously and you have to announce the date 1 hour before the start when you will be playing on the discord on the #checkin channel!

-> If you didn't find a date, the standard date is on Sunday 3 pm CEST (If there are 2 matches in a week the first match is on Saturday 3 pm CEST, the second one on Sunday 3 pm CEST)

Every player plays against each player of the opposing team!(so it's 3 Bo3 for every player)
You play every match with the following format:
Match 1: (Team 1 is on the top of the match; Team 2 is on the bottom of the match; In your team overview you can see which player you are)
Player 1 (Team 1) vs. Player 1 (Team 2)
Player 2 (Team 1) vs. Player 2 (Team 2)
Player 3 (Team 1) vs. Player 3 (Team 2)

Match 2:
Player 1 (Team 1) vs. Player 2 (Team 2)
Player 2 (Team 1) vs. Player 3 (Team 2)
Player 3 (Team 1) vs. Player 1 (Team 2)

Match 3:
Player 1 (Team 1) vs. Player 3 (Team 2)
Player 2 (Team 1) vs. Player 1 (Team 2)
Player 3 (Team 1) vs. Player 2 (Team 2)

Submitting decklists:
Before every match you (as a player) have to submit 3 decks here until Sunday midnight for the next week (expect for the first week: It's enough to submit it 1 hour before match start):
Otherwise you have to use the decklists you've used the match before!
-> Riot Format: You have to submit 3 decks with no duplicated champions, no duplicated region combinations and no more than one deck without any champions at all!

Tip: If you use this link right here
( and just add the code from your deck to the link you create a decklist link ;)
Here‘s an example:

- First, you contact your opponent via discord and invite him to a room!

- Then, you ban one deck from your opponent via the site!

- Then you're playing a Bo3 Conquest against your opponent which means:

-> You have to win with both of your decks that aren't banned

-> If you've won with one deck you have to use the other one!

-> If you have 2 wins you've won the whole match!

Report your match result in the #score-report channel via discord! Take screenshots of your results or stream/record the tourney so you can proof it! (Not required but maybe important if your opponent wants stress!)
If your opponent doesn't show up after 20 minutes on the date you've made out with the enemy team (or standard date), you win the whole match!
If you report a wrong result you will be disqualified from the tournament!
If your opponent reports a wrong result, contact a supporter via discord in the #questions channel; if you've streamed it or you have token a screenshot of it, we can solve the problem!

Points: You'll get 1 point for every match win agains the enemy team and you'll get different points for every single game win you've achieved during the match!