Battle Beaver Apex Trios

Battle Beaver Apex Legends Trio Tournament

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Battle Beaver Apex Tournament Guidelines and Rules

- Apex Private Server lobbies are available on all platforms where Apex is available.

Input Types
- Mouse and keyboard or controller are permitted for play.
- Any device capable of allowing cheating, rapid-fire, strike packs, etc. is prohibited.

- Apex tournament servers are hosted by EA/Respawn.
- Private server keys are not to be shared with anyone outside of participating team members. Participants caught sharing server keys outside of their team will be banned from the Battle Beaver Apex Tournament Discord server and restricted from participating in future tournaments with Battle Beaver.

- Delays caused by players or teams must be resolved as quickly as possible.
- Any delay by a player or team, longer than 5 minutes, is subject to the ruling of the tournament admin.

- Scoring format will be posted to the appropriate tournament channel in the Battle Beaver Tournament Discord before the start of the tournament.
- Scoring will be posted in the #match-chat channel in the Battle Beaver Apex Tournament Discord between rounds and after the tournament.
- If a participant feels there is an error in the scoring, please contact the tournament admin immediately.
- All participants should be prepared to provide an accurate screenshot of the end game scoreboard in the case of a perceived tournament scoring error.

Tie Game
- If a final score results in a tie, total team kills will be the first tiebreaker, with total team damage being the second tiebreaker.

- There are currently no restricted legends or weapons.

Origin ID
- Participants are required to provide their Origin ID to participate, and must play under this Origin ID.

Discord Usage
- Participants are required to provide their Discord username to Battle Beaver in order to participate in tournaments.
- Participants are invited, however, not required to use one of the team voice channels in the Battle Beaver Tournament Discord. Participants who choose to utilize the voice channels are required to only use the voice channel that matches their assigned team number.

Connection Issues
- Battle Beaver is not responsible for any server connection issues.
- Participants are responsible for their internet connection during tournament matches. If a connection issue is experienced before or during a match, contact the tournament admin immediately. Delays will be at the discretion of the tournament admin.
- Any mid-match disconnections or server crashes will be treated as follows:
- Player or team disconnection - round will continue to be played, current kill total and placement will be recorded for that rounds scoring
- Server crash - If the server crashes and all teams are disconnected, the round will be replayed, regardless of how far the match has progressed. No score will be recorded for the kills or placement that occurred during the game in which the crash occurred.
- In the event a participant has a connection error or loses a connection, that is not the result of the entire server crashing, please contact the tournament admin immediately and make them aware of the issue. If a participant fails to contact the tournament admin and is not reconnected by the start of the next match, the admin will determine the length of time the lobby will wait to start the next match.

No Shows
- If a team has a player that cannot make the tournament, they must contact the tournament admin, as soon as possible, to request a replacement. This replacement is subject to the approval of the tournament admin and will still be held to the delay rules listed above.
- If a team cannot be filled out by the start of the tournament, they are welcome to play with the available players but may be subject to future restrictions from playing in tournaments.

Leaving Early
- To give all participants an equal chance at winning the tournament, we ask that players do not leave the tournament early, regardless of placement or scoring.
- Leaving early can result in disqualification from future tournaments with Battle Beaver.

- Cheating, hacking, glitching, or abusing in-game mechanics in any way, may result in disqualification from the current tournament and restriction from playing in future tournaments with Battle Beaver. This is subject to Battle Beaver’s discretion.
- If a player suspects another play of hacking, cheating, glitching, or abusing in-game mechanics, please contact a tournament admin immediately.
- All participants should be prepared to provide sufficient video evidence proving innocence in the event of suspected cheating. In all cases, decisions reached by Battle Beaver Staff regarding disputes are at the sole discretion of the Battle Beaver Staff and are final.

- Participants are not required to stream the event. However, if a participant chooses to stream the event:
1. The words “Battle Beaver Tournament” must be included in the title, and;
2. A minimum delay of 3 minutes (180 seconds) is required.