Fisherman's Async Tak 2020

منصة أخرى
من قِبل ManaT
- Standard rules for Tak apply except where described below

- We will be using a modified opening variant called the "Fisherman's Opening". On white's first turn they place a white flat anywhere on the board. On black's first turn they may place a black flat anywhere on the board. On white's _second_ turn, if black's first flat is adjacent to white's first flat, white _must_ capture.

- Fisherman's Opening is not fully supported by takBot, so please work with your opponent to make the opening moves

- All games will be played on a 6x6 board

- Games will be played with no komi

- Play using the async channels and takBot in the Tak Discord

- This will be a Round Robin tournament, with only a single stage. Matches will be two games swapping colors.

- Scoring: 3 points for a 2-0, 1 point for a 1-1, and 0 points for a 0-2

- Schedule: Plat at your convenience, just don't dally

- Tiebreaker: You're all winners in my eyes