Block N Load Summer Duel Tournament

Each player will choose 3 heroes to use throughout the duration of the tournament. (You will receive an e-mail asking for your selection after you have registered) Your rounds will be played on Pillerd, then Causeway, with Bulwark serving as the tie-breaker map. The round is decided by the first to 10 kills - HOWEVER this is calculated by the number of deaths the opponent has, so suicides do count. Up to 3 rounds per match will decide the winner.

Building - players may only build with a hero special block or with building blocks, i.e. bricks, sandbags, and crates. Any other traps or blocks built will result in a disqualification.

Set up - The build phase will be set to 1:30 and starting blocks at 1000, with respawns set to the minimum.

Perks - all perks are allowed.

Spawn camping / spawn hiding - once you spawn, you MUST exit the spawn area and stay out of it - no hiding there during the duel. Additionally, as all our map picks are straight and symmetrical, we are requiring that after a kill, you MUST return to your half of the map while the opponent respawns, so you cannot camp or trap the spawn area.