Madden '20 Tournament

Madden '20 Tournament

PlayStation 4, Xbox One
من قِبل Carthage College Intramural Sports
Carthage College: Madden ‘20 Tournament

The Madden ‘20 Tournament will be played in the comfort of your own home.

All participants must be shown on the IMLeagues league roster in order to play.

General Rules
1. All participants must be Carthage College students, faculty, or staff.
2. There will be no crossplay for this tournament. Xbox One participants and Playstation 4 participants will follow the same rules but have two separate tournaments.
3. Participants will get a 5 minute grace period. If a player is not ready to play 5 minutes after the scheduled game time, he/she must forfeit the game.

Game Setup
1. The following settings will be applied throughout each game:
a. Quarter length: 5 minutes
b. Skill level will be set to All-Madden
c. Play call Style: Conventional
d. Event Type: Exhibition
e. Accelerated Clock: 20 seconds
f. Time: Random
g. Stadium: Home Team’s stadium
h. Weather: Clear
i. Game sliders cannot be altered
j. Player fatigue and injuries will be set to on. All other settings will remain default.
2. Regardless of any agreement between players, games will be played by the rules above unless changes are made by the Intramural Sports staff.

Cheating, Glitches, Reporting a Violation
1. If you believe your opponent is cheating by abusing game programming glitches to gain an advantage or is violating the parameters set, report it immediately. The decision made by the supervisor on disqualification or point penalty is final.
2. Glitches: any attempt to glitch the game in order to gain an advantage is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to the following situations:
a. Any offsides glitch
b. Intentionally slowing down a defense at the line of scrimmage to cause an
offside penalty
c. Procedure After a Glitch Penalty: In the event that a tournament administrator determines that a penalty was caused by an unauthorized glitch, one or more of the following actions will be taken to return the game to a fair state, depending on the result of the play.
- If the ball wasn’t advanced by the offense OR the result of the play was in favor of the defense (turnover, sack, defensive TD), then the offense will be forced to decline the penalty (in the end, the penalty for a glitch is a loss of a down).
- If the ball was advanced by the offense, then the offense will be forced to take penalties until they are equal or behind the line of scrimmage at the start of the play where they intentionally glitched (in the end, the penalty for a glitch, is a loss of a down).