#VCEsports - CSGO 1v1

IIE's Varsity College Esports - Counter-strike: Global Offensive 1v1 Tournament

من قِبل Varsity College Sport
Online, Online
Rules and regulations:

Participation is open to any person who is a student of The IIE's Varsity College and IIE's MSA.
In general, all programs which are not part of the original game, including custom-data and modifications, are not allowed in any game. All external voice programs are allowed (e.g. Teamspeak, Discord etc). Programs that provide an advantage during game play (e.g. drivers that allow the removing of walls) are forbidden. Any programs that change the game itself are forbidden. If anyone is caught contravening the above rules or going against the admin's decision of what is considered fair play, any prizes won will be forfeited.

Please also practice kindness and respect at all times! No exclusionary or discriminatory speech or behaviour will be allowed in-game or on communication platforms.

The final tournament structure will be confirmed upon confirmation of participant numbers! However, the below will remain true:

Group Stage matches will be Best-of-1.
Semi-finals and Grand Final matches will be played as a Best-of-3.

The following maps will be used:
Map 1 - aim_map - This will be used for all Bo1 matches.
Map 2 - aim_redline
Map 3 - awp_india

Map 2 & 3 will be used in Best-of-3 matches with awp_india being the deciding map should the match go to a third map.

You may only use AKs and M4 on these maps. (aim_map, aim_redline)
You may only use a AWP on these maps. (awp_india)
Console commands: e.g sv_cheats 1, noclip are prohibited.
First player to win 16 rounds wins.

All results are to be submitted in the form of a screenshot in the appropriate discord channel. Failure to do so will result in the disqualification of both players. A single screenshot from one player will be sufficient.

Due to the nature of the schedule, you will have a limited grace period to begin your match. Should you fail to connect to the game within 10 minutes of the allotted starting time, you will forfeit the match.

If you have any questions, please chat to a tournament admin in the Discord!