Team Querétaro
Azer Esports
Team Querétaro
Azer Esports

اللاعبون في المباراة

Team Querétaro

Clan Tag: #2P908Y8Y9
Representative discord tag: Jorge1701#0674
Second representative discord tag: Setien#7314
Pays: المكسيك
Player Tag: #JLGG2GPP
Discord tag: Jorge1701
Discord ID: #0674
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #2P0Q9CQQU
Discord tag: Obrian507
Discord ID: #9029
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #8QQR9VGU
Discord tag: Setien
Discord ID: #7314
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #QYYJ20JY
Discord tag: Charly
Discord ID: #9331
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #QYYJ20JY
Discord tag: Team Querétaro
Discord ID: #1382
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر

Azer Esports

Clan Tag: #2Y2GGUP2Q
Representative discord tag: VaL#1986
Second representative discord tag: Azer Yoda#9585
Pays: فرنسا
Player Tag: #28YJ0JV2L
Discord tag: VaL#1986
Discord ID: 577605447679475752
Country of the player: france
Country of the account: france
Maître Yoda
Player Tag: #2CQL2J9G
Discord tag: Azer Yoda#9585
Discord ID: 713713823671910470
Country of the player: france
Country of the account: france
Player Tag: #CVGCRG9G
Discord tag: ☆『It's Me La NASA』☆ #0373
Discord ID: 744231509547810828
Country of the player: france
Country of the account: france
Player Tag: #GRYQG988
Discord tag: WhysTerZ #5856
Discord ID: 506555054824620032
Country of the player: france
Country of the account: france
Marilyn monson
Player Tag: #CJG8PYRC
Discord tag: PKBO_BOOgeyman #1524
Discord ID: 415990542627897344
Country of the player: france
Country of the account: france
Player Tag: #P2R8JPVV
Discord tag: PKBO_BOOgeyman #1524
Discord ID: 415990542627897344
Country of the player: france
Country of the account: france
El incognote
Player Tag: #L2Y829YY
Discord tag: El_Incognote - Kev #4932
Discord ID: 288728329501016064
Country of the player: france
Country of the account: france
Maitre Yoda 2
Player Tag: #8GL8QP0J0
Discord tag: Azer Yoda#9585
Discord ID: 713713823671910470
Country of the player: france
Country of the account: france
Player Tag: #Y28PUGR9
Discord tag: VaL#1986
Discord ID: 577605447679475752
Country of the player: france
Country of the account: france
Player Tag: #J000CYQP
Discord tag: Teach#0808
Discord ID: غير متوفر
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
DK lamenace
Player Tag: #YP9RYYQYV
Discord tag: Lamenace #5384
Discord ID: غير متوفر
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Snarox Az
Player Tag: #VCUR80QV
Discord tag: Snarox Az | Sηαrοx™#7118
Discord ID: غير متوفر
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
el incognote
Player Tag: #L2Y829YY
Discord tag: El_Incognote - Kev#4932
Discord ID: غير متوفر
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر