اللاعبون في المباراة

M2 Ninja

Clan Tag: #2Y8L89PCP
Representative discord tag: 翔哉|OMINÖS#7953
Second representative discord tag: Garakuta#8843
Pays: اليابان
Player Tag: #22PLULRLO
Discord tag: 翔哉|OMINÖS#7953
Discord ID: 420916897060749312
Country of the player: Japan
Country of the account: Japan
Player Tag: #2PGYQGQLY
Discord tag: Garakuta#8843
Discord ID: 622779047893663744
Country of the player: Japan
Country of the account: Japan
Player Tag: #2JVYRCJC
Discord tag: チョコ#6545
Discord ID: 366582025618063360
Country of the player: Japan
Country of the account: Japan
Player Tag: #JU8YU8Y
Discord tag: しおやきそば#0604
Discord ID: 321214492291891210
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #P92P9P80
Discord tag: Tira#3949
Discord ID: 627831389164929034
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #80JLYLVR
Discord tag: Angel.M.K#2747
Discord ID: 708921487439953951
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #29QCUGQRR
Discord tag: eco#8517
Discord ID: 607773053795041290
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #LPUQ80CV
Discord tag: ばーさん#5221
Discord ID: 378934207545606146
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #222RRLUYJ
Discord tag: ❤EMA❤#1930
Discord ID: 578911214680145920
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #80C2YPLV2
Discord tag: 翔哉|OMINÖS#7953
Discord ID: 420916897060749312
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #2Y0YLCR8U
Discord tag: Akawata#4051
Discord ID: 338304635414773760
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #Y9JYJCP8Q
Discord tag: UMA#8071
Discord ID: 602907819351736331
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #ULJY9LV9
Discord tag: Kazuma#3368
Discord ID: 495469758926290955
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر


Clan Tag: غير متوفر
Representative discord tag: غير متوفر
Second representative discord tag: غير متوفر
Pays: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #YGUU9U8Q
Discord tag: ESG | Tim#0670
Discord ID: 407244688941121536
Country of the player: Germany
Country of the account: Germany
Player Tag: #2YPPPG2L0
Discord tag: Crusader#1228
Discord ID: 331086569320742913
Country of the player: Germany
Country of the account: Germany
Player Tag: #9GPVC2U8
Discord tag: ESG knockout|Martin#9225
Discord ID: 366988300994609164
Country of the player: Germany
Country of the account: Germany
Player Tag: #J9YGP82U
Discord tag: Sascha :v:#1091
Discord ID: 528982880819347457
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #JLULL2UU
Discord tag: Sl3nd3rman#8669
Discord ID: 353581008626515969
Country of the player: Germany
Country of the account: Germany
Player Tag: #PGUC2V9Y
Discord tag: Rims#4425
Discord ID: 340373314835054594
Country of the player: Germany
Country of the account: Germany
Player Tag: #JJ9QP9LP
Discord tag: Largo99#5736
Discord ID: 456743386653786113
Country of the player: Germany
Country of the account: Germany
Player Tag: غير متوفر
Discord tag: غير متوفر
Discord ID: غير متوفر
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #9YPYP80G
Discord tag: Rico#4918
Discord ID: 557293322729816064
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر