Terror Esports
Team 99%
Terror Esports
Team 99%

اللاعبون في المباراة

Terror Esports

Clan Tag: #2P8R2022G
Representative discord tag: AdityaJz#4408
Second representative discord tag: MSN#7669
Pays: الهند
Player Tag: #29GJGU8QP
Discord tag: AdityaJz#4408
Discord ID: 347779129820708866
Country of the player: India
Country of the account: India
Player Tag: #C02JGYCC
Discord tag: Shaun#4676
Discord ID: 412189523238322176
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #Y2Q2UL9J
Discord tag: Aman#7991
Discord ID: 750651878387351573
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Mistaken Bear
Player Tag: #YUGLUV
Discord tag: MistakenBear#6777
Discord ID: 509789532191850517
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #CJV09L89
Discord tag: MSN#7669
Discord ID: 259118988762677249
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #JLP2LCQC
Discord tag: Gunjal | prashant #5567
Discord ID: 439877881959546880
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #89V8JR0QQ
Discord tag: Nikhil#8848
Discord ID: 752028405217755188
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر

Team 99%

Clan Tag: #2P98CR920
Representative discord tag: Munk ™#6797
Second representative discord tag: ArKos#9557
Pays: فرنسا
Player Tag: #QGGPL8RG
Discord tag: Munk ™#6797
Discord ID: 366696128705462284
Country of the player: France
Country of the account: France
Player Tag: #RRL0JJ8U
Discord tag: KiLLerzZ#9461
Discord ID: 185465341336485888
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #8LCRR882G
Discord tag: Luffydragnir ™#5621
Discord ID: 308947213386514432
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #2GJ829PU9
Discord tag: CORENTIN IV #5513
Discord ID: 340485663554011147
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #299GYRLY
Discord tag: Trom974 #5508
Discord ID: 290161392655400960
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
99% ArKos
Player Tag: #RJC2UQLG
Discord tag: ArKos#9557
Discord ID: 198384549523095552
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
Player Tag: #9RR2L20G8
Discord tag: Djodjo66#1557
Discord ID: 359360811967184897
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر
NeK0 ™
Player Tag: #JLUGJLVP
Discord tag: NeK0 ™#7637
Discord ID: 388427390826577921
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر