Viet stars
Resistance Coc
Viet stars
Resistance Coc

اللاعبون في المباراة

Viet stars

Clan Tag: #92PRYQLL
Representative discord tag: Hai Tran#2581
Second representative discord tag: Troc Paris#4077
Pays: فيتنام
Player Tag: #92PRYQLL
Discord tag: Hai Tran#2581
Discord ID: 589074836827930644
Country of the player: Vietnam
Country of the account: Vietnam
Player Tag: #2L9RUG9V9
Discord tag: Troc Paris#4077
Discord ID: 589070292060733452
Country of the player: Vietnam
Country of the account: Vietnam
Player Tag: #9QGPCUQV
Discord tag: Hoà Nguyễn#4596
Discord ID: 537124167162527745
Country of the player: Vietnam
Country of the account: Vietnam
Player Tag: #22G29JRQ2
Discord tag: Bin Bin#5083
Discord ID: 705602181109383238
Country of the player: Vietnam
Country of the account: Vietnam
Khổng Tiến Dũng
Player Tag: #V2U8L2UG
Discord tag: khổng hùng#2267
Discord ID: 754005776636444823
Country of the player: Vietnam
Country of the account: Vietnam
Player Tag: #VQJJPQLJ
Discord tag: TuanTran#2923
Discord ID: 589072610457812992
Country of the player: Vietnam
Country of the account: Vietnam
Demi xinh đẹp
Player Tag: #2Q29G9RPO
Discord tag: Pianou#0603
Discord ID: 697457548126847006
Country of the player: Vietnam
Country of the account: Vietnam
Player Tag: #U80PPC9
Discord tag: tuuqui#5097
Discord ID: 565078826506518528
Country of the player: Vietnam
Country of the account: Vietnam

Resistance Coc

Clan Tag: #8YRC9PP9
Representative discord tag: Starvy#2038
Second representative discord tag: غير متوفر
Pays: أستراليا
Player Tag: #9JG82G0R
Discord tag: Starvy#2038
Discord ID: 547972056969379845
Country of the player: Australia
Country of the account: Australia
Player Tag: #RPPPUJR2
Discord tag: Nicko
Discord ID: 693818067599360001
Country of the player: Australia
Country of the account: Australia
Player Tag: #QYJCJGUG
Discord tag: Trento
Discord ID: 546219507706757136
Country of the player: Australia
Country of the account: Australia
Player Tag: #22LG28ULJ
Discord tag: M!do
Discord ID: 290927098648985601
Country of the player: Egypt
Country of the account: Egypt
࿐tme ベルン
Player Tag: #YPPUJ082
Discord tag: Berna
Discord ID: 253232373527740417
Country of the player: Argentina
Country of the account: Argentina
Player Tag: #20GGJJUYR
Discord tag: Yoda
Discord ID: 400518347650760704
Country of the player: Australia
Country of the account: Australia
Player Tag: #YUPC9RLG
Discord tag: GandalftheGrey
Discord ID: 665070711198449674
Country of the player: United States of America
Country of the account: United States of America
Player Tag: #PVV0GQYL
Discord tag: Cooper
Discord ID: 257315127768907778
Country of the player: Australia
Country of the account: Australia
Player Tag: #GRY8GQYV
Discord tag: Scorpion
Discord ID: 317314287137980418
Country of the player: Australia
Country of the account: Australia
Sir Agnach
Player Tag: #P2G0YYJ0V
Discord tag: Sir Agnach
Discord ID: 665070927024750612
Country of the player: Australia
Country of the account: Australia
Player Tag: #2JCRQ29C
Discord tag: Maestro#8121
Discord ID: 538416595353993246
Country of the player: غير متوفر
Country of the account: غير متوفر