BadAsAFish80's MM 2v2 #8

BadAsAFish80's Minion Masters Tournament 2v2 #8 - $100 Prize Pool - July

من قِبل BadAsAFish80
You will be placed into a group Discord DM with your opponents and will have 3 days to schedule and complete the match. You MUST post your availability in this group DM within the first 36 hours, i.e. by 12:00 EST on day 2, with failure to provide this information leading to forfeit. For reference Day 3 concludes at 23:59 EST.

This is as a 2v2, Double Elimination, Best of 3 (WB Final, LB Final and Grand Final and are Best of 5) tournament using standard Ladder Match rules.

Jargon Buster: This is a TOURNAMENT that comprises of multiple TOURNAMENT ROUNDS. For each round you play a MATCH which is best of 3 (5) GAMES.

Just like in normal ranked mode, you may queue with any Legal Deck (master/cards) you choose in the best of 3 (5) match, so your opponents have no idea what you're playing! You can change your masters at any time during the match.

However, for the deck to be a Legal Deck, it must follow these limitations:
⚠️NO WILDCARDS: This means no more than 1 copy of any card in your deck.
⚠️NO CARDS COSTING MORE THAN 2 MANA APPEARING IN BOTH DECKS: for example Scrat Pack (2 mana) can be in both decks but Xiao Long (3 mana) cannot.
⚠️BANNED CARDS : Guardian, Ritual of Servitude, Scrat Launcher, Spirit Mancer, Stormy, High Inquisitor Ardera, current Season Cards.
⚠️MASTER BAN: Each team can chose a master to ban for each match in the tournament, thereby preventing their opponents from playing this master.

If you start a game with an illegal deck/master, you have the first 30 seconds of the game to leave and correct the error. A repeat offence will result in forfeiting that game but if appropriate you can continue the match.

If you win two 2v2 tournaments in a row you will be ineligible for the next 2v2 tournament - because this is a casual tournament we wanted to ensure that everyone has a fair chance of winning and to ensure that all the 2v2 tournaments are not dominated by the same team.