Grim League Season 5 Quals

Matches: Bo1
Matches must be started as soon as both teams are added to the match and ready.

Skins: ONLY Pro League Skins and Default Skins are ALLOWED!

Ace and Melusi are not allowed to be used!

Best of 1 Map Veto Format

Team A bans map
Team B bans map
Team A bans map
Team B bans map
Team A bans map
Team B bans map
Remaining map is played map
Team A decides the starting side on the map

Club House
Kafe Dostoyevsky
Theme Park

Match Settings
 All players are required to have these settings saved to a playlist while participating in matches.

 Time of the Day: Day
 HUD Settings: Pro League
 Server Settings: Dedicated Server
 Hosted On CUS

 Match Settings:
■ Banning
 Number of Bans: 4
 Ban Timer: 20

■ Rounds
 Number of Rounds: 12
 Attack/Defender role swap: 6
 Overtime rounds: 3
 Overtime score difference: 2
 Overtime role change: 1
 Objective Rotation Parameter: 2
 Objective Rotation Type: Rounds Played
 Attacker Unique Spawn: On
 Pick Phase Timer: 30
 6TH Pick Phase: On
 6TH Pick Phase Timer: 20
 Reveal Phase Timer: 9

■ Health and Damage
 Damage handicap: 100
 Friendly fire damage: 100
 Reverse friendly fire: off
 Injured: 20

■ Character Control
 Sprint: On
 Lean: On

■ Death
 Death Replay: Off

 Game Mode: Bomb

 Game Mode Settings:
 Plant duration: 7
 Defuse duration: 7
 Fuse time: 45
 Defuser Carrier Selection: On
 Preparation Phase Duration: 45
 Action Phase Duration: 180