A Team Full of 9 Ping Players is not allowed though. If the teams are from Outside of Indian Subcontinent they will have to take min 3 players from Indian Subcontinent To Participate.

Player/Team Responsibilities

Acknowledgment of Rules and Regulations: By registering to participate, players acknowledge to comply with the rules and regulations of ER6.
Delay of the Game: Every participant must make sure to perform any updates or installations before the game. Any delays that impact the flow of the tournament will result in disqualification from that tournament.

Submitting Team Scores: Team captains are required to keep "screenshots" of the match, for every match in the tournament. Failure to provide screenshots upon request by Admins will result in a loss for the match in question unless the opposing team can help confirm the scores.

Unsportsmanlike Behavior: Be respectful of each other. There is zero tolerance against hate speech, racist language, or disrespectful behavior.

In-Game Rules
Substitutes/ player change: Players can be substituted only during rehosts. For any special excuse, only if the admin allows, you may proceed.

Bugs and Glitches: Stay away from any bugs. glitches, or exploits that diminish the competitive integrity of a match. ER6 Admins reserves the right to use our discretion in issuing a match disqualification and warning to any perpetrators.

Spectating: Unfortunately, we cannot allow spectators in tournament matches unless they are Ragequit staff. If any of our staff members join your game to spectate, they will let you know who they are, as well as why they are spectating your game.

Streaming and VODs: You do not need special permission to stream or upload VODs of the tournaments. The only thing we ask is that you give us a shoutout!

Rainbow Six Siege
Please do read the rules properly.
MOSS is compulsory. Teams having an issue with moss must inform the admin before the game start. Teams can also mutually agree upon not using moss, in this case, admins will not be held responsible for any game/player related issue.
Use of VPN is strictly prohibited. Teams found using will be dequeued instantly without any warning.
Ping limit is 150, players ping can spike above 150 but a stable ping of above 150 is not allowed. The team with high ping player should sub in another player after informing the admin.

All the initial rounds are BO1( Best Of One)
Semi-Finals: BO3, Finals: BO5

NOTE: The Rules can be changed at the sole discretion of the organizers

The total amount of rounds are increased and the Attacker/Defender role swap is changed to 6. That means: Teams will start out as either attack or defense and will stick to the same side for the first six consecutive rounds. After that teams will switch sides. The first team to win 7 rounds will win the map. At a score of 6-6, there is overtime with max. 3 rounds.

New Operators (Gridlock and Mozzie) and Lion are allowed
The team that did NOT ban the last map will choose the starting side. In a Bo3, a coin flip will determine the starting side.
There is no limit to the number of shield operators that can be used.

Match Settings:

Number of Bans: 4
Ban Timer: 30
Number of Rounds: 12
Attacker/Defender role swap: 6
Overtime: 3 Rounds
Overtime score difference: 2
Overtime role change: 1
Objective Rotation Parameter: 2
Objective Type Rotation: Rounds Played
Attacker Unique Spawn: On
6TH Pick Phase: On
6TH Pick Phase Timer: 15
Pick Phase Timer: 15
Damage handicap: 100
Friendly fire damage: 100
Injured: 20
Sprint: On
Lean: On
Death Replay: Off

Operators currently banned:



Map pool:

Bank, Border, Club House, Coastline, Consulate, Kafe Dostoyevsky , Villa