PlayStation 4
من قِبل FíFA BOIZ INC
Online, Online
The cabal shall consist of 3 impartial judges which will include the LOC and three other members

Issues bothering on the ban of any player shall be decided by the Cabal inclusive of length


1. Players are advised to use their best connection to aid connectivity
2. Games between opponents shall be two games with the use of any team
3. For the purposes of sending invites, players are advised to use online invites. If Online invite doesn't work for one sender, the other should try... if both fail, then any one of them can send Custom invites
4.In the event of a disconnect during a game, players shall resume from the time of disconnect using the same teams as well as return the scoreline to the status quo as at the time of disconnect
5.Any erring party as regards this rules should be reported to the Cabal and an emergency decision will be made(risk disqualification or ban)
8.Any player yet to start his games by time the league is 50% shall be disqualified subject to satisfactory reasons submitted to the cabal
9.All participants who commence their matches are to finish all their games or at least not less than 80% of their games subject to giving credible reasons for non completion
10.If with 7 days to go, a player hasn't completed at least 50% of his games, the cabal will investigate, and if it is decided that the player isn't likely to progress his games, all games played by the player will be nullified (with a possible ban) and treated as 'Did Not Participate'
11.After day 10 ,players are to privately message themselves to fix appointments.
12.You are allowed to Fix appointments up to a maximum of 3 times(in between both parties, not that each party has 3 chances to fix).please save evidence of the messages and escalate the situation to the Cabal
13.Upon the expiration of the maximum time given to fix appointments, the issue shall be taken to the Cabal upon the advise of the LOC for a vote on deciding who the defaulting party is and ad decision on ban made

14.Any form of quitting during matches is disallowed. Should a player be found guilty of rage quits during a match, his opponent shall be awarded 3 extra goals in addition to the score line as at the time of quitting.
15. Any other issue not covered here shall be revisited before/during and after the league and the cabal shall retain the right to decide on such unforeseen events

