Squad NA Championship

من قِبل SQD Datgamer
Online, North America
These are the tournament rules for Squad North American Tournament

Staff reserves the right at any point to add, change or remove rules during a season.

Player Rules:
Each team must report to the match on time with all 30 members present in the server. There will be a 15 minute grace period. After that, the team will be disqualified.

Any use of cheats that includes glitching and/or exploiting will have the player banned permanently from the tournament and may include further team punishment.

FOB placement:
FOBs must not be fully covered (i.e. under a hesco or HAB). If the obstruction is not removed after a warning it will result in a disqualification of the match.

There will be a 10-minute delay minimum enforced on all streams. No one can stream their POV unless otherwise approved from the staff and both teams.

Staff reserves the right to warn and players for inappropriate use of all chat.

Squad Names:
Squad Leaders will not name their squads anything offensive or demeaning in any way.

Stream sniping/admin cam
No stream sniping, admin cam, or ghosting. This will result in a disqualification for the entire event. An appeal will be heard if the case deems so.