EuropaHalo Team Takedown #2

EuropaHalo Team Takedown Sept 2019

Xbox One
من قِبل EuropaHalo
Online, Online
HCS Rules will be in play with maps pre-determined by the admin.

Full list of gametypes and maps will be on the matches but will also be listed here for reference.

Standard behaviour of players must be maintained and respect shown to the admin at all times. Their word is final on any decisions.

Maps will be posted below later.

Double Bracket Elimination

Winners Bracket Round 1
Truth TS
Eden SH
Rig TS

WB Round 2
Plaza SH
Rig TS
Truth CTF
Eden SH
Coli TS

WB Round 3
Coli CTF
Plaza TS
Empire SH
Truth CTF
Rig TS

WB Round 4 (Finals)
Truth CTF
Regret TS
Rig SH
Coli CTF
Plaza TS

LB Round 1
Regret TS
Coli CTF
Eden TS

LB Round 2
Coli TS
Plaza SH
Eden TS

LB Round 3
Rig TS
Eden SH
Truth TS

LB Round 4
Coli TS
Truth CTF
Plaza TS

LB Round 5
Coli CTF
Rig TS
Plaza SH
Truth CTF
Rig TS

Truth CTF
Rig TS
Eden SH
Coli CTF
Plaza TS

If Second BO5 then reverse order with Rig TS the Game 5 and Truth CTF Game 4