
الكمبيوتر, PlayStation 4
من قِبل The League
Online, Online
1 ✘ Server: Middle East
2 ✘ Default Arena: DFH Stadium.
3 ✘ Team Size: 3v3. ( 1 substitute allowed)
4 ✘ All games are BO3 except Finals are BO5
5 ✘ Single Elimination Brackets.
6 ✘ Bot Difficulty: No Bots.
7 ✘ Mutators: None.
8 ✘ Match Time: 5 Minutes.
9 ✘ Joinable By: Name/Password or inviting each other in discord.
10 ✘ Platform: Steam or PS4.
11 ✘ All games are played on DFH Stadium.
12 ✘ The first named Team is blue side.
13 ✘ Teams only play if the captain cheked-in.
14 ✘ When Brackets ready, teams can invite each other.
15 ✘ Everyone must be in Discord for info and know who to invite.
16 ✘ Random Brackets will be chosen to be played on stream, and will receive the room info.
17 ✘ All standard controllers, including mouse and keyboard, are legal.
18 ✘ Players may not join their designated side until three (3) Players from each Team have joined the Game.
19 ✘ If any bug or glitch that affects gameplay, the full Match should be played out. If a Team calls for a rematch due to the bug or glitch, they must save the replay and submit it for review.
20 ✘ If any player gets disconnected, the shorthanded Team will continue to play, the disconnected Player may rejoin during the Game that the disconnect occurred.
21 ✘ Restarts are only made with the approval of a Moderator.
22 ✘ NO TOXICITY!! if anyone started a fight or insulted any of the other participants he and his team will be kicked from the tournament.
( keep it fun and competitive guys ♥)
23 ✘Any team accused and proved to be using any hacks, cheats which give them an unfair advantage in the game will be banned permanently from this tournament and any upcoming tournament. ( Play it fair ).

GL and Rocket some goals ♥