[8 Team] Duos Tournament

Shakas [OCE] [XBOX] [8 Team] Duos Tournament

من قِبل Shaka Tournaments
Online, Online [eSport]

How it will work
(2 team quads/2 team duos)

Two competing [A] & [B]teams will be selected from a random generated tournament bracket
Both teams [A] & [B] will join a quads lobby and start a game once in a game the two teams must split into two separate team chats the two teams can rejoin party to invite to next game after game is complete. Note: it is suggested but not necessary to add a player off opposing team doing so will make it easy to rejoin each other

(1) Killing competing players in the tournament will result in instant team disqualification from the tournament

(2) At least one player from each team competing in tournaments must be in the tournaments discord channel with the teams [Tag] in there name

(3) Disconnect or Crashing of them game will only result in a rematch of set game if and only if no players have gotten a kill in that game.

(4) Restarting game after a player has gotten a kill will result in a lose of said game for the team that player left or restarted.
note: If you need to leave kill yourself! leaving is forfeit.

(5) Making teams wait more then 10 minutes will result in a forfeit! (This is to keep tournament at steady pace)

(6) When registration is close players can only enter if there is space and only if bracket hasn't been created yet.

(7) If for any reason(s) you or your team has been suspected of cheating they will be disqualified if found guilty. Opposing players are to let a host know on discord
If a player is caught cheating here are the procedures.

-All players/teams playing will be told to not start next (round)
-Both parties [A]accused & [B]accuser will be told to join the discord #trials tab
-host will grant all involved the @trials permissions.
-hosts will start a trial and view both [A]accused & [B]accuser evidence.
-[B]accuser can watch match replays if need be.
-case will be reviewed for a (guilty/not guilty) outcome.

(8) Switching of hosts. each game played teams much switch hosts. If both teams are agree they can stay on 1 host.

(9) [Subs] If the tournament has already started no player(s) can sub-in for another player(s)
If a player leaves mid tournament their teammate has 2 options
(1) Play on as a solo or (2) Forfeit match

(10) One player from each team must be in & active in the correct tournaments channel on discord
note: This is to post endscreen match results for hosts.