COSINE Dev EIC Super Smash Bros Ultimate Showdown (Jan 18)

Redmond, WA
Rules are based off the Genesis 6 ruleset found here:

| Match Format |
- Differences from the Genesis 6 ruleset are starred (***) below
- Players get 2 minutes for character selection + control setup
- Matches start once all players agree that they are ready or the 2-minute preparation time is up
- All characters are valid

○ 3 Stock, 8 minute time limit
○ Final Smash Meter: ON***
○ Spirits: Off
○ Damage Handicap: OFF
○ Stage Selection: RANDOM (from legal stage list)***
○ Items: Off and none
○ First to: 1 win
○ Stage Morph: Off
○ Stage Hazards: ON***
○ Launch Rate: 1.0x
○ Underdog Boost: Off
○ Pausing: Off
○ Score Display: Off
○ % Show Damage: Yes
○ Custom Balance: Off
○ Echo Fighters: Separate
○ Radar: Small

| Legal Stage List |
- Expect no large stages or insta-kill environments

| Rules |
- 1.4 - Double Blind Character Selection: Any player in a match agree can request a double-blind character selection, where each player must tell a referee their character pick first before the character selection screen.
- 1.7 - Stalling or intentionally making the game unplayable is banned and results in a forfeit.
- 1.8 - If a game ends in a self-destruct move, the results screen will determine the winner.
- 1.9 - If a game goes to sudden death, the winner is determined by stocks and percentage with the time ends. Tie-breaking rules in order:
○ Player with higher stock
○ Player with lower percentage health
○ 1-stock tiebreaker played with a 3-minute time limit
○ Process repeats
- 1.14 - If there is a dispute in character colors, players will play one game of Rock, Paper, Scissors
- 1.19 - No coaching allowed at any time. Violations are on a 3-strike system (see full ruleset).
- 1.20 - If a player is not there by their match time, it results in a forfeit.
- 1.21 - No collusion.
- 1.22 - Games will not be replayed due to misinterpretation of the rules or misconfiguration of game settings.
- 1.23 - Games will be replayed if interrupted by external factors (e.g. power outage) will be replayed.
- 1.24 - Tournament staff have final say.
- 2.3.6 - If anything occurs in a game that causes unforeseen consequences, gameplay should continue unless it makes the game unplayable for one or more players. In that case, notify a tournament staff member.
- 2.3.8 - No player may create more than three control schemes.