Nobody's League Season 1

Nobody's League Season 1 Upper Bracket

من قِبل Nobody Staff
Online, London
[1]: No Racism/Discrimination is allowed.
[2]: Don't post anything that goes against discord TOS (Gore Etc)
[3]: Banter is not allowed *Go in to dms if you want to trashtalk
[4]: Do not reveal private information about individuals without explicit permission from the individuals in question.
[5]: Only ENGLISH is allowed in text-channels
[6]: Do not impersonate Staff
[7]: Do not dissrespect staff
[8]: Do not leave and then rejoin to evade mutes or other punishments
[9]: Do not send NSFW
[10]: Do not give false information to staff
[11]: Abusing Loopholes will result in a mute or Blacklist
[12]: Admins reserve the right to give a Strike to a team if its deemed necessary
[13]: Do not advertise Leagues and do not advertise in the wrong channels

The whole rule book is in the discord.