Ambro Cup #5 - Beyond the Void

من قِبل B2Expand and Scorpia
Online, EU server
This tournament is open to all players from the EU region. Players from the US region may join if their connection is sufficient.

EU server - Single Elimination, Best-of-One format.
Play fair, play well.

As the player who duels another player first picks his primary skill, players may determine by themselves who invite the other. If there is a conflict please ask Camille#0505 or Najib478#9765 on Discord to make a coin toss.

Check-in on Saturday, November 24th, at 2:30pm, on
- Toornament
- and BTV Discord channel #tournament
Tournament starts on Saturday, November 24th, at 3pm

Feel free to contact us on BTV Discord to ask us anything about the tournament or the game. We’ll be happy to answer all your questions :)

Contact: Camille#0505 (from BTV team) and Najib478#9765 (from Scorpia)