nerdRage Critical Ops - Open A

NRGL - nerdRage Gaming League COPS - Open A

من قِبل
Online, Global
Team Requirements

Each team must have the following to be qualified for the tournament:

5 players (including team captain) + 3 subs MAXIMUM
Each player must have a stable internet connection
Any roster changes after check in and the team will be disqualified (if players aren't certain DO NOT register until players confirmed).
ALL players must have joined the nerdRage Discord
General Rules

Maximum teams: 128
Match type: 5v5
Game mode: Defuse
Device: Mobile only (iOS and Android)
Rooms: Mobile only, Cross-platform disabled
Match time: 25 Rounds
Tournament Progression: Single Elimination + BO3 (QF+ BO5)
Max Players: 11 (10 players + 1 Admin/nerdRage-approved Streamer (QF+))
Show-up time limit: 15 minutes (request admin if problem)
In-game settings: Using jail broken devices is not allowed!
Team Line-up: 5 main + 3 subs
Match set-up

Teams should flip a coin to pick who votes first and then follow the below voting structure to select server location and maps:
- Team A: Pick Map 1 Server Location
- Team B: Pick Map 2 Server Location
- Team A: Pick Map 3 Server Location
- Team B: Ban 1 Map from map pool
- Team A: Pick Map 1 from map pool
- Team B: Pick Map 2 from map pool
- Team A: Pick Map 3 from map pool
Map Pool:
- Bureau
- Canals
- Grounded
- Legacy
- Plaza

At the end of every match you compete in, 1 person per team must submit a match report via Toornament. If there is a dispute, both teams must submit proof of results to an admin through Discord. Remembers, an admins word is FINAL.


Disqualification will occur if any infringements of our T&C occurs and all infractions will be taken seriously. If you are disqualified, you can ask an admin to expand on the reason for disqualification. In most cases, your team will be disqualified from the remainder of the season (e.g. if disqualified from Open A you are automatically disqualified from Open B-D and invitiationals). Infractions include but are not limited to:

Cheating (including ghosting, jail-broken devices and mods)
Hate-speech (including racism, homophobia, islamophobia etc., both in-game and through social media. Any instances of this occurring will result in instant disqualification from ANY stage)
Roster changes (including changes to subs, if a sub cannot show up do not change them)