PS4 COD: WWII 4v4 $5500.00

PS4 COD: WORLD WAR II 4v4 $5500.00

PlayStation 4
من قِبل GO BIG or GO HOME Entertainment
Layton, Utah
These are the rules for the COD: World War II. We make every effort to ensure the rules are complete and up to date but this may not always be the case. You should also check the Rules & Information and News for additions, exceptions and modifications that may apply. All players must meet the requirements listed in the Rules & Information at the time the match is scheduled to begin. The rules are a guideline and the decisions by Go Big or Go Home Ent may differ from them depending on the circumstances. If you have any questions about the rules, please contact Go Big or Go Home Ent.

Restricted Items

Players will not be allowed to utilize Turrets to kill another player.

Turrets provide players the ability to disregard their weapon choice and earn kills in engagements they may not have otherwise been prepared for. The development team at Sledgehammer Games is working on implementing an option to disable turrets.

Incendiary Shells

Players will not be allowed to utilize Incendiary Shells to kill another player.

Shotguns are currently in a good place—with the “Rifleman” trait being restricted, players will only be able to create a shotgun class that caters to close range combat. However, the incendiary shells provide damage over time, providing players with kills they would not normally earn with a shotgun.

Restricted Weapons

MG 15
MG 42
Restricted Attachments

High Caliber
Rapid Fire
Restricted Scorestreaks

Recon Aircraft
Counter Recon Aircraft
Care Package
Emergency Airdrop
Restricted Basic Trainings

Restricted Equipment

S-Mine 44
Satchel Charge
Map Vetoes – LAN ONLY
Map vetoes will only occur at Global Open Events, CWL Sanctioned Events, CWL Pro League, Last Chance Qualifiers, and the CWL Championship. The map vetoes are not applicable to online GameBattles ladders or tournaments.

Map Pick and Ban Process: At the start of each match, players will decide which maps they will be competing on through this process. The higher seeded team will choose to act as team A or B. After the higher seed selects which team to act as, the veto process will begin in this order: HP, SnD, followed by CTF/Gridiron.

Higher seed Team must choose to act as Team A or Team B.

Team A vetoes one Hardpoint Map.
Team B vetoes one Hardpoint Map.
Team A chooses which remaining Hardpoint Map will be used for Game 1.
Team B chooses which sides they will be on for Game 1.
Remaining Map will be used for Game 4.
Team A chooses which side they will be on for Game 4.

Team B vetoes one Search and Destroy Map.
Team A vetoes one Search and Destroy Map.
Team B chooses which remaining Search and Destroy Map will be used for Game 2.
Team A chooses which side they will be start on for Game 2.
Remaining Map will be used for Game 5.
Team B choose which side they will be start on for Game 5.

Team A vetoes one Capture the Flag/Gridiron Map.
Team B vetoes one Capture the Flag/Gridiron Map.
Remaining Map will be used for Game 3.
Team A chooses which side they will start on for Game 3.

Map & Modes
CWL competition will consist of four gametypes to start. Players will compete in Hardpoint, Search & Destroy, Capture the Flag, and Gridiron. Game #3 will alternate between CTF and Gridiron each round. This will allow the community to test both gametypes.

We recognize 3 gametypes are ideal for the community to provide enough map variety, while ensuring players can practice and master the game. Prior to the first official CWL Game Settings we will eliminate EITHER Capture the Flag or Gridiron from the map rotation.

The first version of the Map & Mode combinations is below. Players are encouraged to share their feedback, especially surrounding their preference of Gridiron vs Capture the Flag, Search and Destroy on USS Texas, and Capture the Flag on Ardennes Forest.

Ardennes Forest
London Docks
Saint Marie Du Mont
Search and Destroy
Ardennes Forest
London Docks
Saint Marie Du Mont
USS Texas
Capture the Flag
Ardennes Forest
Flak Tower
London Docks
Saint Marie Du Mont
Flak Tower
London Docks
Saint Marie Du Mont
Game Mode Rules
Players must select “esports Modes”. The settings below will then be automatically applied.


Game Rules

Time Limit: 5 Minutes
Score Limit: 250 Points
Activation Delay: None
Location Order: Normal
CODCaster: Enabled
General Settings

Pre-Match Timer: 15 Seconds
Team Change In-Game: Enabled
Spectating: Team Only
Spectating POV: First Person Only
Killcam: Enabled
Mini-Map: Normal
Battle Chatter: Disabled
Announcer: Enabled
Spawn Settings

Respawn Delay: None
Force Respawn: Enabled
Wave Spawn Delay: Disabled
Suicide Penalty: 2.5 Seconds
Team Kill Penalty: None
Health and Damage

Hardcore Mode: Disabled
Health: Normal
Health Regeneration: Normal
Friendly Fire: Enabled
Number of Lives: Unlimited
Teamkill Kick Limit: Unlimited
Headshots Only: Disabled
Explosive Delay: None
Scorestreak Delay: 15 Seconds
Lobby Options

Join-In-Progress: Allowed
Intermission: Disabled
Capture the Flag

Game Rules

Time Limit: 10 Minutes
Capture Limit: Unlimited
Winning Conditions: Flag Captures
Auto Return Time: 30 Seconds
Pickup Time: None
Enemy Carrier: Delayed
Extra Time: 1 Minute
CODCaster: Enabled
General Settings

Pre-Match Timer: 15 Seconds
Pre-Round Timer: 5 Seconds
Team Change In-Game: Enabled
Spectating: Team Only
Spectating POV: First Person Only
Killcam: Enabled
Mini-Map: Normal
Battle Chatter: Disabled
Announcer: Enabled
Spawn Settings

Respawn Delay: 5 Seconds
Force Respawn: Enabled
Wave Spawn Delay: Disabled
Suicide Penalty: None
Team Kill Penalty: None
Health and Damage

Hardcore Mode: Disabled
Health: Normal
Health Regeneration: Normal
Friendly Fire: Enabled
Number of Lives: Unlimited
Teamkill Kick Limit: Unlimited
Headshots Only: Disabled
Explosive Delay: None
Scorestreak Delay: 15 Seconds
Lobby Options

Join-In-Progress: Allowed
Intermission: Disabled
Search and Destroy

Game Rules

Round Length: 1.5 Minutes
Score Limit: 6 Points
Bomb Timer: 45 Seconds
Plant Time: 5 Seconds
Defuse Time: 7.5 Seconds
Multi Bomb: Disabled
Switch Sides: Every Round
Silent Plant: Disabled
CODCaster: Enabled
General Settings

Pre-Match Timer: 15 Seconds
Pre-Round Timer: 5 Seconds
Team Change In-Game: Enabled
Spectating: Team Only
Spectating POV: First Person Only
Killcam: Enabled
Mini-Map: Normal
Battle Chatter: Disabled
Announcer: Enabled
Spawn Settings

Respawn Delay: None
Force Respawn: Enabled
Wave Spawn Delay: Disabled
Suicide Penalty: None
Team Kill Penalty: None
Health and Damage

Hardcore Mode: Disabled
Health: Normal
Health Regeneration: Normal
Friendly Fire: Enabled
Number of Lives: 1 Life
Teamkill Kick Limit: Unlimited
Headshots Only: Disabled
Explosive Delay: None
Scorestreak Delay: 15 Seconds
Lobby Options

Join-In-Progress: Allowed
Intermission: Disabled

Game Rules

Time Limit: 10 Minutes
Score Limit: Unlimited
Ball Count: 1
Carrier Armor: Normal
Carry Score: 7
Throw Score: 3
Reset Time: 15 Seconds
CODCaster: Enabled
General Settings

Pre-Match Timer: 15 Seconds
Pre-Round Timer: 5 Seconds
Team Change In-Game: Enabled
Spectating: Team Only
Spectating POV: First Person Only
Killcam: Enabled
Mini-Map: Normal
Battle Chatter: Disabled
Announcer: Enabled
Spawn Settings

Respawn Delay: 5 Seconds
Force Respawn: Enabled
Wave Spawn Delay: Disabled
Suicide Penalty: None
Team Kill Penalty: None
Health and Damage

Hardcore Mode: Disabled
Health: Normal
Health Regeneration: Normal
Friendly Fire: Enabled
Number of Lives: Unlimited
Teamkill Kick Limit: Unlimited
Headshots Only: Disabled
Explosive Delay: None
Scorestreak Delay: 15 Seconds
Lobby Options

Join-In-Progress: Allowed
Intermission: Disabled