KEL Summer 2018

KEL Summer 2018

من قِبل Kingston's eSports League
Online, Servers hosted in Chicago

Table of contents
1- Communication
2- In-Game
3- Cheating
4- Schedule
5- Punishment

1- Communication
1.1- Discord is the official method of communication for organizers and teams.
1.2- The captain of each team must be in the discord.
2- In-game
2.1- No casual chatting in the game chat (things like ns, gg, glhf, gh, etc. are allowed). Violation of this rule multiple times will result in a Warning.
2.2- If you have issues (Ex. player lagging, player disconnects, etc) the match will not be stopped, The player can reconnect if they can.
2.3- Players should use nickname they were registered in.
3- Cheating
3.1- No smurfs, Violation of this rule will result in Temp Ban of the smurf.
3.2- No unregistered players until they are approved by an admin. Violation of this rule will result in a Warning for the team captain if the unregistered player is a smurf the captain will receive 2 Warnings and the match will be overturned.
3.3- No external cheats. Violation of this rule will result in a Perma Ban for the cheating player and any game they played in that can be overturned will be.
3.4- No major or game-breaking exploits, if you have a question about the legality of an exploit or glitch ask an admin. If an admin asks you to stop using a specific bug or bans a specific bug, it will be treated as a major exploit. Violation of this rule will result in 2 warnings for every player on the team.
3.5- Suspected cheaters will have demos reviewed by admins and if they are found to be cheating they will receive a Perma Ban.
4- Schedule
4.1- Teams have around 15 minutes after the agreed time to get a team together after the scheduled time before being forfeited.
4.2- All players must be registered before the tournament starts.
4.3- Teams can play with one unregistered player as long as they are approved by an admin.
5- Punishments
5.1- A player that has accumulated 3 warnings in 3 months will be given a temp ban.
5.2- A player that has accumulated 2 Temp bans will receive a permanent ban from KEL.
5.3- Temp Bans last 3 months after the event they were banned from.