Madden 18 Challenger Sanctioned

Por East Coast Gaming
6842 Stirling Road Hollywood, FL 33024

Settings Check Grace Period
Competitors have until the start of the 2nd quarter to report any settings that were configured incorrectly to their
expectations. In a situation where a Competitor’s setting(s) was configured incorrectly, tournament officials will suspend
the match, correct the setting(s), and then resume the game from the last game state.
1.6 Provided Equipment and Accessories (Live Competition only)
The tournament operators will provide the following equipment at the Competition to facilitate the tournament:
1.6.1 Venue
1.6.2 Tables and Chairs
1.6.3 Consoles
1.6.4 TV Monitors
1.6.5 Installed copies of Madden NFL 18
1.7 Competitor-Owned Equipment
Competitors are allowed to bring their own controllers to be used during the Competition. All controllers may be
reviewed by request of the tournament organizer prior to use in competition.
1.8 Personal Communication Devices
Use of personal devices (such as smartphones, tablets, or other smart devices) with the ability to facilitate
communication to another person (other than a tournament administrator or emergency staff) may be restricted for a
Competitor while actively engaged in a game. Tournament organizers will provide a safe storage area for all personal
items when such a request is made.
1.9 Mercy Rules
If the following conditions are met during group play, the tournament operator will award a game victory to the
Competitor with the score advantage in the interest of continuing the tournament in a timely manner. During a single
elimination stage, mercy rules will be enforced at the discretion of the tournament administration team with the same
conditional considerations. A game will not be ended early during the group stage of the competition.
1.9.1 A Competitor has a 32 or greater point lead at the end of the first half.
1.9.2 A Competitor has a 25 or greater point lead AND the losing Competitor has had at least one opportunity to
possess the ball for a full drive (while trailing by 25 or more points) in the second half.
1.9.3 A Competitor has a 24-point lead with possession of the ball AND the losing Competitor has had at least one
opportunity to possess the ball for a full drive (while trailing by 24 points) in the second half.
1.10 Maximum Point Differential
The maximum point differential that is allowed to be reported as a score in a group stage between two Competitors is
24 points (example: 24-0; 31-7; 66-42).

The game mode used will be Regular H2H. Any team is allowed to be used.
2.1 Quarter Length: 4 minutes
2.2 Event type: Superbowl
2.3 Even teams: Off
2.4 Play Clock: 40 seconds (set by default)
2.5 Skill Level: All-Pro
2.6 Weather: Clear
2.7 Injuries: Off
2.8 Fatigue: On (Dictated by Game Mode)
2.9 Accelerated Clock: Off
2.10 Game Speed: Normal
2.11 Sliders: Default
Competitors can adjust the following settings provided that there are no bugs or game imbalances caused within the
competition mode.
3.1 Auto Sprint: Default On
3.2 Auto Strafe: Default On
3.3 Heat Seeker: Default On
3.4 Ball Hawk: Default On
3.5 Switch Assist: Default Off
3.6 Auto Play Flip: Off
3.7 Camera Setting: Default Standard
4.1 Onside Kicks
Onside kicks are not allowed in the first half. A Competitor may attempt an onside kick at any time in the 2 nd half.
4.2 Excessive Offsides Neither the offense nor defense should purposefully go offsides with the intent of delaying the
game or exhibiting unsportsmanlike conduct. Intent is at the sole discretion of the tournament administration.
4.3 Improper Audibles Participants may not audible out of the QB Kneel, Wildcat, Field Goal, or Punt formations. In
game trick plays are allowed.

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5.1 Any attempt to glitch the game in order to gain an advantage is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to the
following situations.
5.1a Any offsides glitch
5.1b Audibles that cause an unresponsive defense
5.1c Intentionally slowing down a defense at the line of scrimmage to cause an offsides penalty.
5.2 Procedure After a Glitch Penalty:
In the event that a tournament administrator determines that a penalty was caused by an unauthorized glitch, one or
more of the following actions will be taken to return the game to a fair state depending on the result of the play. All
competitors will be given guidance on how to handle penalties once they have advanced to the Online Elimination
phases of the tournament.
5.2a If the ball wasn’t advanced by the offense OR the result of the play was in favor of the defense (turnover, sack,
defensive TD), then the offense will be forced to decline the penalty (in the end, the penalty for a glitch is a loss of
5.2b If the ball was advanced by the offense, then the offense will be forced to take penalties until they are equal or
behind the line of scrimmage at the start of the play where they intentionally glitched (in the end, the penalty for a glitch
is a loss of down).
6.1.1 Competitors must conduct themselves in a reasonable manner, maintaining an appropriate demeanor to
spectators (including youth and minors), members of the press, tournament administrators, and to other Competitors.
These requirements apply both offline and online, including with respect to social media conduct and activity on live
streams. All Competitors are expected to adhere to the standards of sportsmanship and the EA Rules of Conduct,
available at, at all times, including when not participating in EA sanctioned events. Behaviors prohibited by
the EA Rules of Conduct include, but are not limited to:
 Violating any law, rule or regulation, as determined by EA in its sole discretion;
 Using any software or program that damages, interferes with or disrupts an EA Service or another's computer or
 Interfering with or disrupting another player's use of an EA Service, harassing, threatening, bullying, repeatedly
sending unwanted messages or making personal attacks or statements about race, sexual orientation, religion,
heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated;
 Publishing, posting, uploading, or distributing content, or organizing/participating in any activity, group or guild
that EA determines is inappropriate, abusive (including animal cruelty), hateful (e.g., expressing negative views
about a person or group of people based on race, immigration status (e.g., alienage/citizenship status), national
origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or similar characteristics), harassing, profane, defamatory,
threatening, obscene, sexually explicit and/or exploitive, infringing, privacy-invasive, vulgar, offensive, indecent
or unlawful;
 Using exploits, cheats, undocumented features, design errors or problems in an EA Service;
 Selling, buying, trading or otherwise transferring or offering to transfer your EA Account, any personal access to
EA Services, or any EA Content associated with your EA Account, including EA Virtual Currency and other
Entitlements, either within an EA Service or on a third party website, or in connection with any out-of- game
transaction, unless expressly authorized by EA;

 Engaging in any other activity that significantly disturbs the peaceful, fair and respectful gaming environment of
an EA Service; or
 Promoting, encouraging or taking part in any prohibited activity described above.
Every Competitor is asked to maintain an adequate level of respect with the other Competitors and the referees.
Threatening behavior towards the referees and the other Competitors will not be tolerated. Incidents and punishment
will be identified at the sole discretion of the tournament administration. Competitors must abide by the instructions
made by the tournament administration at all times. All Competitors must follow Sponsor’s directions. Sponsor reserves
the right to disqualify any Competitor from the Competition at any level, any time, and for any reason.
6.1.2 Competitors will be asked to select a unique name to identify themselves for the online elimination and live
produced broadcast. This name can be the same as their platform identifier, but is not required to be the same. The
name must be unique from other Competitor names and must not be deemed vulgar or otherwise inconsistent with the
goodwill of EA or the NFL, as determined by the tournament organizer.
During the Competition:
6.1.3 Abusive behavior, including harassment and threats is prohibited.
6.1.4 Fighting or any physical abuse directed at any Competitor, spectator, official or any other person is prohibited.
6.1.5 Damage and/or abuse to game consoles, controllers, or any provided tournament equipment is prohibited.
6.1.6 Any action that interferes with play of a game, including but not limited to purposely breaking a game station,
interfering with power, and abuse of in-game pausing, is prohibited.
6.1.7 Gambling, including betting on the outcome of games, is prohibited.
6.1.8 Disclosure of any confidential information provided by EA SPORTS or any of its affiliates to any other people or
groups of people, including via social media is prohibited.