LUXMASTERS 2017 CS:GO powered by BeKingz &

Por BeKingz &
Online, Luxembourg
**** "EAC esports - Easy Anti Cheat" ass Pflicht - ze fannen op zB Steam ****
**** Teamspeak während dem Match ass Pflicht ****

> Mappool de_inferno, de_train, de_cbble, de_cache, de_mirage, de_nuke, de_overpass
> Vetosystem Gruppephase: Ofwiesselnd Ban bis just eng Map iwwreg bleift
> Playoffs: TeamA Ban, TeamB Ban, TeamA Pick, TeamB Pick, TeamA Ban, TeamB Ban.
Gamesettings Freezetime: 15 sec
Roundtime: 1min55
Maxrounds: 15
Startmoney: 800$
Overtime: MR3
Overtime Money: 10.000$
Sidechoice: Kniferound

Detailed Rules @ !

Match Time! How to connect to your match as a player?
Player's Guide PDF:

1. Join the mandatory Teamspeak ""
2. Dont forget to start your "EASY ANTICHEAT" (It's named "EAC eSports" in Steam SOFTWARE Library).
EAC needs to be started before you start your CS:GO game.
Link to EAC download on Steam:
Detailed instructions on EAC:
3. Go to
4. Search your Matchup ( YOURTEAM vs ENEMYTEAM ) and click Go to Lobby.
5. Here you can SIGN in through STEAM if you are a player of one of the both teams:
6. You are marked as ready now. 5 players of each team must be ready for the match to be started.
7. After a couple of Minutes a server IP and GOTV IP will be shown. Your Server is ready!
8. Click the Join Button to easily connect to your match server. Alternatively, you can paste the server IP
address to your CS:GO console and type connect IP address:27015 to connect to your match server.
Only team members will be able to join this server.
9. Spectators and casters can use the GOTV link to join the server. Alternatively, they can paste the
server IP address to your CS:GO console and type connect IP address:27020 to connect to the GOTV
10. If there are any problems feel free to contact us (ex. Captain Chat FB or the admin phone numbers
that have been provided to the team Captains)
11. If all player write "!ready" the match will begin.
12. The Mapveto will be done on the server. Watch out.
Mapveto will not be restarted.
13. A Kniferound will decide which side the Winner wants to start.