Friend Matches PUBGM Squad

Friend Matches PUBGM Squad | Tournament Series

Por Touch Studio | Supported by Vidanta CA & NESA
Online, Kathmandu
1) No Ipads and emulators allowed.

2) All Players must have clan tags, compulsory.

3) Speaking in all Chat is strictly Prohibited and cussing or any other harassment in chat will be cause for player removal from the Tournament.

4) Team ups are not allowed, both teams will be straight disqualified.

5) All games will be held in Asia Server and on all 4 maps so make sure you have the maps downloaded.

6) Rooms will be re-done only in the case of game glitches and if a player is found using unfair means. Ping Issues and player removal from Lobby is not our concern.

7) Management teams words are law and any changes will be announced so please do not make your own decisions in case of certain circumstances.

8) Using of Flare guns is not allowed , 20 points will be deducted in case of flare gun uses.

9) If your team's player stays in another slot by mistake or in slot 1, be sure to leave room as soon as the game reaches the lobby or the team will be disqualified.

10) Be punctual and show up at the allocated times. If you miss the times we will not be held responsible for such circumstances.

Note: Players are required to download all the maps beforehand to avoid disputes during the match making. If any players found not having the map downloaded at the time of starting the match he/she shall be terminated from to room without any prior notice.

`~`~`~ Point System `~`~`~

Updated: 10:40 am | 6th Feb 2020