Join our Discord or your team risks forfeiting
*Note if you do not read the rule book and sign up for the League you are still responsible for your actions and any rules you violate*
Read the Full Rule Book HERE
11. Game Modes, Restrictions, and Settings
The latest version of the official HGLBC settings should be used for all Games. Game Modes, Restrictions, and Settings are subject to change at the sole discretion of Administration. Any changes will be communicated to Participants.
11.1 Game Modes
The game modes played in the Competition are as follows:
Incursion Meltdown Faceoff Capture
11.1.1 Game Mode Draft.
A veto process will take place until one mode remains for each game. The host of the game lobby vetoes first.
11.2 Map and Game Mode Combination
11.2.1 Incursion
Overgrowth Echelon Monuments
11.2.2 Meltdown
Paradise Coldsnap Outskirts
11.2.3 Faceoff
Temples Snowblind Outback
11.2.4 Capture
Temples Snowblind Outback
11.2.5 Map Veto
Each team will ban a map for each game played. The remaining map will be played. The host of the lobby bans first.
11.3 Game Settings
11.3.1 Banned Game Content
All legendary gear is banned from the Competition.
11.3.2 Character Ban/Protect
The draft will be Captains Draft and take place like this
Team A 1 ban Team B 1 ban Team A 1 ban Team B 1 ban Team A 1 pick Team B 2 picks Team A 2 picks Team B 2 picks Team A 2 picks Team B 1 pick
Indiana - Indianapolis (UTC-05:00)
Daty turniejów
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