Welcome to another addition of Amnesia 1v1 Tournaments
Tournament Date: 01/25/2020 GMT+2
Tournament Start time: 3pm GMT+2
Tournament Estimated end time: 6pm GMT+2
Make sure you are available
How it works:
1) After Registering for the tournament check back in a few days to see if you are accepted into the tournament.
2) On the day, open RUST and look for Amnesia 1v1 [Tournament] in the modded list
3) Wait in the lobby in-game
4) you will be auto-assigned to a player whom you would have to eliminate. (you will know who your partner is before hand)
5) if you win you will proceed to the next stage until there is 1 person left to beat.
There will be up to 16 entries give or take.
At first there will be 8 games (1v1) with your auto-assigned opponent. at the end of all 8 games then Round 2 will consist of 4 games remaining with your new auto-assigned opponent from the previous games win. After this there will be 2 games in the Semi-finals then of-course the Finals where the Amnesia Champion will be announced.
Note: if you do not pitch up your auto assigned partner becomes the winner of your match and advances to the next round.
if you cause any disruption during lobby brief you will be disqualified and your opponent will be moved to the next round.
Make sure that you have joined the Amnesia Discord and are in the Tournament Comms ready for briefing 1 hour before tournament time.
The Tournament Start time will be Friday 29th Nov 2019 at 8pm