Mordheim: City of the Damned Rank 0 Exhibition Tournament with progression. Supports newer and less experienced Players. This is achieved through Compensation rolls, which give minor benefits to the losing side of a PvP, ranging from score amplifiers for the next PvP to minor permanent benefits.
Assumed amount of Players: 24
Three eight Player Qualifier Teams, followed by 12 Player Upper and Lower Divisions, followed by 16 Player (all 12 from Upper- and top 4 from Lower Division) Elimination. One (1) PvP each followed by two (2) PvE each week, for at least 18 PvP and 34 PvE total, up to 22 PvP and 42 PvE total.
Starting date: 19th August.
If you need help, take the Discord link and contact Paranoia.