he ESWC Paris Games Week is organizing for the second year in a row with Bethesda France a tournament of Quake Champions in duel! On October 26th and 27th, 8 European players will compete for 2 days to win the title of Champion and win $10,000 cash prize.
The 8 players participating in the competition will be French for four of them, and European for the other four. They will be selected on the basis of their past achievements and announced in the coming days on www.eswc.com/en/quakechampions.
The entire tournament will be broadcast on a dedicated stage of the ESWC area in hall 3 of Paris Games Week show. The best matches will also be broadcast on the main stage of the ESWC including the final on October, Saturday, 27th. The tournament will adopt the following competition format and schedule:
- October 26th: Round robin stage of 2 groups of 4 players - match in best-of-5
- October 27th: Single elimination bracket of 8 players - match in best-of-5