King of the Desert V, Q2



203 Pemain
Registration closing on the 4th of May, 18.00 GMT/UTC.
Seeding is locked on the 5th of May, at 18.00 GMT/UTC.

On the day of the qualifier, it's crucial to check-in a few hours before the tournament begins. This step is mandatory, and failing to check-in will result in automatic disqualification. Check-in is performed on this page.
The check-in window is open between 11.00 and 12.30 GMT/UTC on the 6th of May.

Qualification Stage #2, 6th of May:
Round of 256: 13.00 UTC/GMT, Best of One
Round of 128: approximately 14:00 UTC/GMT, Best of Three
Round of 64: approximately 16:00 UTC/GMT, Best of Five

Qualification Stage #2, 7th of May:
Round of 32, Match 1: 13.00 UTC/GMT, Best of Five
Round of 32, Match 2: approximately 15.00 UTC/GMT, Best of Five
Round of 32, Match 3: approximately 17.00 UTC/GMT, Best of Five
Round of 32, Match 4: approximately 19.00 UTC/GMT, Best of Five


Besides the initial main event prize pool sponsored by Microsoft, all additional expenses are entirely covered by MembTV, including the prize pool for the qualification stage.

1st place, $20,000.00 - 25%
2nd place, $12,000.00 - 15%
3rd place, $8,000.00 - 10%
4th place, $6,400.00 - 8%
5th to 8th place, $3,000.00 - 3.75%
9th to 12th place, $2,000.00 - 2.5%
13th to 16th place, $1,400.00 - 1.75%
17th to 32nd place, $500.00 - 0.625%

Qualification Stage (1.600$):
Finalists, 100$

Furthermore, if the MembTV Twitch channel is to reach 5,000 subscribers during the event, the main event prize pool will be increased by an additional 2,500$ - in case 10.000 subscribers are reached, an additional 5,000$ will be added to the main event prize pool, with a total increase of 7,500$.
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