Check-in: 11:30 - 12:45 UTC
Round of 512: Saturday 13:00 UTC - Best of 1
Round of 256: Saturday 13:45 UTC - Best of 1
Round of 128: Saturday 14:30 UTC - Best of 3
Round of 64: Saturday 15:45 UTC - Best of 3
Round of 32: Saturday 17:00 UTC - Best of 3
Round of 16: Saturday 18:15 UTC - Best of 5
Round of 8 Match 1: Sunday 13:00 UTC - Best of 7
Round of 8 Match 2: Sunday 15:30 UTC - Best of 7
Round of 8 Match 3: Sunday 18:00 UTC - Best of 7
Round of 8 Match 4: Sunday 20:30 UTC - Best of 7