Destiny 2 3v3 Pro Liga PS4 #1



PlayStation 4
16 Tim
16 teams have qualified to participate in this closed league.

They play 3 games on a weekend in 5 weeks and get 3 points for each match won, 1 point for a draw.

After each team has played against each team, the three teams with the most points get a prize.

- Round Robin
- Best of 3 maps

- Gametype: Clash (with radar)
- Map: The host picks the map from the bracket info list
- Time Limit: 10 minutes
- Score Limit: 50 points
- Respawn Time: 7 seconds
- The game ends when the remaining time is 0:00 or 50 points are achieved. All kills after this don't count.
- If a map ends in a tie, the map will have to be replayed until a team is victorious.

Character Restrictions
- One Titan, one Hunter and one Warlock per team
- No intentional suicide

Banned Weapons:
- Fusion Rifles
- Wavesplitter
- Chaperone
- Lord of Wolves
- Grenade Launchers
- Full Auto shotguns
- Tatara Gaze with the perk Kill Clip
- Izanagis Burden with the perk Kill Clip
- Power ammo (don't pick up the power ammo)

Mod Restrictions:
- No Super Mods
- Maximum 2x every other mod per player

Allowed exotic armor:
- Hunters: St0MP-EE5
- Warlocks: Transversive Steps
- Titans: Dunemarchers, Lion Rampant
Klasemen akhir
Tidak ada klasemen akhir.


1st: 700€
2nd: 200€
3rd: 100€
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