Danish Tournament League #3

Danish Tournament League #3

Par Danish Farm Tournament
Online, https://www.twitch.tv/Danishfarmtournament
Giants officielle regler - dog med undtagelse af alderen, da vi har yngere spillere med, med godkendelse fra forældre.

Giants official rules - except for age, as we include younger players, with parentes approval.

Alle hold skal være på discorden med de tilmeldte spillere.!
All teams must be on Discord with the registered players!

Dansk Regelbog : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v5QSzUENWvw8nFHcbAyBNC5uygkuAQ9X/view

English Rulebook : https://fsl.giants-software.com/downloads/FSL_Rulebook_S5_v01.pdf