Welcome to our LOOTCAMP Destiny2 League in cooperation with Destiny2Esports. With this league we want to continue our PC series. In the Discord there is a channel where you can search for opponents to practice.
Ruleset: https://bit.ly/2T1mIsI
LIVE STANDINGS: https://tv.toornament.com/2706327563959009280
Partner: https://destiny2esports.net/
This competition is licensed under Bungie’s Destiny Competition License.
League schedule:
The matches always take place on Saturdays at CEST 4pm and 5pm.
Matchday 1 & 2:
10 August
Matchday 3 & 4:
17 August
Matchday 5 & 6:
24 August
Matchday 7 & 8:
31 August
Matchday 9 & 10:
07 September
Matchday 11 & 12:
14 September
Matchday 13, 14 & 15:
21 September
28 September
If you want to play a match prematurely or on another day, then let an administrator know. It may be that at this time no administrator is present.
If one opponent does not show up in time or you are permanently ddosed, the match can be rescheduled to another day.
All matches have to be played until September 27th 2019!
Report your Results: https://help.toornament.com/participant/report-your-results-and-scores