UFHQ -  PS4 - FIFA 20 - EFL

UFHQ - PS4 - FIFA 20 - EFL Trophy

Playstation 4
Online, PSN
This tourney is a FUN, but competitive, so if you would like to take part you must join our FB FIFA 20 Group first - https://www.facebook.com/groups/UFHQPS41v1LeagueTourneys/
before you are accepted or approved.

UFHQ kicks off with their 2nd 1v1 tourney of the FIFA 20 calendar, with a EFL Trophy style using League 1 & 2 teams -

The tourney will be over 2 weeks, 1st week being the Group stage & the following week will be the knock outs.

We will run a random draft pick draw for what teams/groups you will play with/in. So if you are drawn out as 1, you will get first pick of the listed teams and so on....

The tournament will start Monday 4th Nov and expected to be completed by the 17th Nov.
Zona horaria
Europe/London (UTC+01:00)
No hay información sobre premios.