LTCP League

LTCP League

Online, Europe

The Burnout
The Dead Cliffs
Endless Vale

15 Minutes
50 Points
7s Respawn

The following is not allowed:

Duplicate Exotic Armor
All Armor (except St0mp-EE5, The Dragon's Shadow, Dunemarchers, Lion Rampant, Transversive Steps, Ophidian Aspect, Astrocyte Verse)

Duplicate Exotic Weapons
Duplicate Pinnacle Weapons
Power Weapons
Grenade Launchers
72rpm & 140rpm Sniper Rifles
Rapid-Fire Frame Shotguns
Trace Rifles
The Chaperone
The Recluse
Izanagi’s Burden
Lord of Wolves
Bad Juju

Scavenger (more than 1)
Full Auto (on Shotguns)
Distribution & Dynamo
Remote Connection
Light Reactor
Pump Action

Ordnance (more than 2)
Paragon (more than 2)
Impact (more than 2)

No more than two from each Class
No duplicate Subclasses
No duplicate Healrift
Max Resilience 5
Max Recovery 8

TLW only allowed in Combination with a Sniper
No Precision Special on Way of the Wraith
No 3rd Person Peek (Emoting / Sword)
Don't equip Acrius, Wendigo or any Sword
No Jumping off Map

Europe (EU)

This leads to a direct disqualification!
× Cheating (any Type of 3rd Party Software/Hardware)
× Macros or Input System File Modifications
× Intentional Suicides

Round Robin
Best of 4
For the win of a series the team gets 3 points, 1 point for a draw.

Single Elimination
Best of 5
All matches are played one after the other in the order given.

Only a player who has collected video footage can become MVP. Save your best clips and send them to us. Even whole matches can affect the decision if you think they're worth it. For this you can use the channel #support in our discord.

The score has to be updated accurately by the team captain on the bracket after each match
To protest against a result open a match dispute and send a proof
Minimum one member from each team must be able to stream and save the VOD
The game ends when the time is 0:00 or 50 points are achieved. All kills after this don't count.
If a map ends in a tie after the extra time, the map will have to be replayed until a team is victorious.

The top team in each bracket will be the host for the series. Reduce the fireteam setting to "Invite only". Then invite the opponent team captain to the fireteam. After all players joined the fireteam, close the fireteam. The host is responsible for selecting the correct match settings.

Check Loadout & Settings:
Before the match starts, check the equipment of all opponents. If an opponent wears an unauthorized item, contact them. If they do not change the equipment, open a dispute.

Matches started with incorrect settings must be remade immediately, otherwise the settings are accepted by both teams. If a team does not accept incorrect settings, loadouts or wants to dispute connection issues, they have to leave the match immediately. Finished matches with a valid score will be assessed. If a wrong time has been set for the match and the match is not aborted immediately, then the entire time must be played. If a team leaves the match before the end of the set time, it forfeits the victory even if it was in the lead and the time had expired after the rules.

Before each match you should check if one of your opponents is streaming. You have the right to insist. If you ignore this and simply play, you have no right to protest afterwards.
To prevent problems, every streamer is recommended to activate their past broadcasts.
( -> Dashboard -> SETTINGS-Channel -> Store past broadcasts)

Participation in the league confirms that Lootcamp & Destiny2Esports have permission to restream & upload your content.

Team rosters must consist of at least the minimum amount of players required to participate. Teams are only allowed to play with players on their roster. All roster changes must be made prior to the start of a series or messaged to Cathanys#2914 in Discord before.
If a side is missing a player the match can be played with less people but only if both teams agree.

Win by Default:
If a participant is not ready to play after the scheduled match time, please contact Cathanys#2914 on Discord. This is the fastest way to get your match checked.

You are recommended to use a VPN. Use the closest place to your residence. While you can play without a VPN on, if you get DDOSed we cannot assist your team beyond asking you to use a VPN.
If members are disconnected before a team is halfway to the final score or time is less than halfway done (24 or less points, 7:30 or less for time) the match restarts. If the score or time is over half (25 or more points, 7:31 or later for time) the match is played out. The player who has been kicked out can rejoin the running match.
The host is responsible for opening the fireteam so that a player who has been kicked out can rejoin.

Connection issues, wrong map or wrong settings are circumstances where the match can be rehosted. In a rehosted game each participant must choose the same side as they picked at the start of the original match. Lag issues will only qualify for a rehost if the issue occurs within the first 5 minutes of the game. However, this is only possible once per series.

If a contested situation not described by these rules occurs during a match, the team that has spotted it should immediately stop the match and inform the administrator about it. If the team does not stop the match and continues to play, it will be taken as an acceptance of the situation. The team will lose all rights to file a protest concerning that situation after the game has ended. Protests must be made immediately, or they may be ignored depending on the circumstances.

Always stay civil and respectful to the staff and your opponents.
What you do outside of the tournament is none of our business, but all interactions within the context of the tournament must follow this rule.
Racism and all other forms of bigotry will not be tolerated. A single report of this with proof will get you disqualified.
When reporting a dispute, be patient. Some verdicts are not as easy to reach as others, and the tournament organizers must consider all available evidence and try to contact both parties.

Admins and Moderators have the final say in regards to anything tournament related