Free 2v2 tournament (2000V)

Playstation 4
How To Win:

For this tournament you will play two games. Each game you must keep track of your kills for each game played. The combined amount of kills for each game will determine which team will win the match. If out of the two games played the kills are tied a third map will be played to determine a winner for the match.


You will party up as a SQUAD with your opponents . Any player inside of that queued session MAY NOT destroy any bases made by their opponent, make them fall, or any other actions that may help lead to that person's death. Boogie bombing your opponents results in instant disqualification.

Mouse and keyboard will be allowed on Playstation platform

If an opposing team has to wait more than 10 minutes for you to join their game you will be disqualified from the tournament.

All games will be played on the NA-East servers